[u][b]Men's Rights Activist (MRA)[/b][/u] (no) I believe in mens rights obviously, and I agree that there are issues of discrimination that men face. But Capital "MRA" has nothing to do with any of that. The way I see it, proper academic Feminism covers this (recall 'Feminism doesn't mean womens lib specifically, it's more broadly focused on gender equality). Everywhere I have seen people call themselves MRA, it's mostly been people bitching about feminists, which isn't... isn't really the point. If they stop that and instead focus their efforts on actual reform, I'd change my mind on this. As a general rule, if someone's contribution to society is bitching on the internet, then meh. And an entire movement based on doing nothing but bitching on the internet? Double meh. [u][b]Anaracho Capatalist[/b][/u] (Jesus no) [img]http://i.imgur.com/h3SwRZp.jpg[/img] [u][b]SJW (Social Justice Warrior)[/b][/u] (Nope) See MRA answer Paragraph 2. I do think this one gets overused now though. I remember back when SJW was being used for the crazies, like the people who thought everyone should accept their decision to live as a turtle, or the die cis scum people. Nowadays it seems to mean everybody who isn't Moon Man. [u][b]Feminist[/b][/u] (Kinda) I don't use the word because I don't like the preachy moralism of those who outwardly strut about being feminists. There is a black and white nature to pop-Feminism that seems useless. It's like fundamentalist religion, if your entire gig is to go around calling everyone else sinners, you're no really contributing are you? But actual feminism, as in equal rights and all that fun stuff? Yeh, i'm down with that. [u][b]Brexiter[/b][/u] (No opinion) That's European business. I have no beef with the dismantling of trade agreements. If they create an economic crisis out of it and go all Fascisty again though, then that'll make it World business and we'll all have to go toe to toe in round three. [u][b]Gamergater/Pro Gamergate[/b][/u] (Who gives a shit?) Seriously, whether or not Angelina Jolie is getting a divorce is more important than fucking Gamergate. [u][b]Race Realist[/b][/u] (Jesus no) Race realism is just statistical scare-tactics. As in, the shit tabloids do. If you want to murder people, at least have the balls to say it is for the murder, and don't hide under some lazy-ass stat waving. [u][b]Libertarian[/b][/u] (It's complicated) This is a broader philosophy than Ayn Rand would have you believe. So when you see one of those four quadrant political tests? Yeh, the entire bottom half is some variation of libertarianism. And I do tend to be on that half of the board. I think that breaking up power structures is beneficial to the human race. But where I differ from capital L "Libertarians" is that I think capitalism and private ownership are power structures on par with government. So far right libertarians seem a whole lot like people who want to trade masters from one they vote for to one they cannot. However, I think authoritarianism usually looked a lot like "I don't like all these idiots making decisions, lets get one idiot and let him make all the decisions." A bunch of idiots will argue and cancel each other out, but one idiot, or even a small council of idiots, won't have that check. A pro-Authoritarian guy might look at a bunch of theory and imagine how great if Plato's Philosopher King could make the decisions, but that's not how it plays out. Hitler and Stalin aren't historical accidents, they are inevitable when playing with Authoritarian government. Just your typical absolute monarchs in a time when the toys are better and the people more sensitive to the horror of the thing. So me believing that concentrated power is usually worse than unconcentrated, I'd suspect that makes me a libertarian, even if I don't want to swear fealty to Wal-Mart like the Anarcho-Capitalists do, or think the biggest danger to freedom is rich people paying taxes like the "Libertarians" believe.