[color=ed1c24][center][h2]Martyr: PRT Headquarters[/h2][/center][/color] Dean was relatively silent on the way down the elevator, too anxious to get to the villain. The only thing that snapped him out of his stupor for even a second was Messiah, who donned her disguise by lighting up her eyes. He almost forgot to put his goggles on himself, actually, but he put them on just in time. As the doors opened, the Wards were greeted by a ton of adoring fans. Dean smiled brightly. This, this was exactly what he lived for. He gave a small friendly wave to the crowd as he listened to Sonar. They were dealing with Eyeblight, one of the guys Dean couldn't actually hit. Luckily for him though, there also happened to be twenty regular goons down their, and defeating armies was what Dean did best. As the group surged forward, Dean hung back a bit with Epsilon, wanting whoever wanted to snap pictures to get their chance. Unfortunately, Messiah slowed up too, her light probably blocking any shots of the three. Dean huffed a bit, before picking up the pace and coming outside with Tulpa, Sonar, and Margrave. Tulpa proved her usefulness, scouting ahead with her ability and telling them what Sonar couldn't. They had hostages down there, but they also only had melee weaponry, allowing both Dean and Margrave to remain effective. Finally, she recommended herself as a distraction, which Dean had no issue with. If she wanted her weird silver ghost thing to be effective that was probably the only thing she could do. Margrave reassured he would be willing to fill any role and, Dean, unwilling to be usurped, said his piece as well. [color=ed1c24]"You know I'm up for anything. Distraction, meat shield, I could take down the goons or rescue the hostages. Whatever you need Sonar."[/color] Sonar then laid out the plan. Sonar, Epsilon, and Dean himself would lead Assault team A. Dean's secondary goal was to block the exit, but he was also supposed to be taking out their main forces, and would rescue any hostages if possible. Messiah and Margrave would be Team B, striking from behind when or if Eyeblight's forces attempted to charge through the silver projection. While Messiah would be the one doing most of the incapacitating while Margrave would play defense. But then something of a realization hit Dean. After Sonar asked if the plan was cool, Dean cut in. [color=ed1c24]"Wait, I know Margrave's power doesn't affect flesh, but when Eyeblight is wheat or whatever, can Margrave turn him into a toy? That would be really useful, that'd probably limit his mobility even more actually. If so, congratulations Mar, you might be useful for once."[/color]