The halls of Feldorne Castle were filled with the sounds of its inhabitants. Prior to the end of the Convergence War, this castle was populated by small amount of Overseers mainly assigned to administrative duties. Now the massive citadel was packed with hundreds of agents, scholars, watchers, and a good number of reavers. Tyr strode through the halls with dejection in her eyes, her mind filled with images of the war and the things she did back then. [color=ed1c24][i]"If the gods accept me then I wouldn't be surprised to find Sar'than waiting for me[/i][/color], she thought as she headed down towards the docks. As she entered the courtyard, some watchers noticed her and each gave disapproving looks as they whispered amongst each other. Tyr knew what they were saying and she didn't need to rely on The Turning to hear their words. [i]"Look at her, the kin slayer, word is she killed a good number of watchers"[/i], a passing scholar whispered to his companion. [i]"Traitor, I don't know why the Ocular allows her to live"[/i], said another, they all liked to gossip and spread rumor but it seemed these assassins were just as ignorant as the common peasant. None of them dared to investigate the incident further, none of them knew that she killed those rogue watchers who tried to usurp the hierarchy of The Order and framed her as a traitor. Even though the Ocular pardoned her, there were still those within The Order who still saw her as a traitor. As much as she hated the looks she received she knew in her heart she was right to do the things she did during the war. Now with a new world before them, The Overseers would need agents like her who would do anything to keep the peace. Tyr arrived at the docks to find her team already assembled there. From afar she stood and observed them for a moment before taking a deep breath. [color=ed1c24][i]"Greetings, Karl, its been quite some time since we last saw each other"[/i][/color], was the first thing she said before walking to the end of the dock. Tyr looked out towards the sea hoping to catch a glimpse of their vessel, knowing full well that the summoned fog would make it impossible to do so. She wouldn't admit it but after the war, Tyr lost a little bit of her flirtatious and sarcastic attitude. The war took something from her, something she couldn't get back easily if at all. [color=ed1c24]"I'm sure most of you have questions about this task we've been assigned. Truth is I have no idea other than we are headed to Dustorne and from there we enter Talmaria"[/color], Tyr didn't look back towards them, frankly she didn't care to get to know them right now as they'd have time for that on the voyage to Dustorne. For a moment it seemed as though she'd have no choice but to make small talk but out of the impenetrable fog came a large brig ship towards the docks. From the docks a Sireni woman could be seen standing beside the helmsman as the ship came about. Before long the boarding platform was lowered and the Sireni woman approached to greet them. [color=00aeef]"Good to see you again Tyr, how've you been?"[/color], the Sireni gave a short wave as Tyr walked up the boarding platform. Tyr couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness as she remembered who this task belonged to. [color=ed1c24]"I'm well, Iri, I see your in your usual good spirits"[/color], Tyr replied as she stood beside her Sireni friend, waiting for the others to board. [color=00aeef]"Your quarters have already been prepared for you and the war room as well should you lot need to go over any plans you might have"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Once again you have my thanks. Any idea as to how long we'll be at sea?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"The renmer have been sending a good number of raiding ships out recenty, I wouldn't be surprised if we run into one long the way. If I had to guess i'd say we'll be at sea for a good couple weeks"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"When things get tough for the Nalrokar you can bet they'll revert back to the second era"[/color] [color=00aeef]"The what?"[/color], the Sireni asked in bewilderment of what her human friend meant. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry, forgot you just got here. Don't worry about it"[/color], Tyr was about to head to her quarters when she turned back to speak to her team. [color=ed1c24]"Before I forget, everyone this is Irisara Silaen, captain of The Amaranthia. If any of you need anything just ask her"[/color] The Amaranthia remained docked after the team boarded to resupply before sailing off that same night. For the next two weeks the crew of The Amaranthia and Tyr's team would have to get well acquainted.