Easy street. [hider=This is your trigger warning] [b]MRA[/b] People who willingly identify themselves as an MRA are cringey nobodies who've become so dejected from the opposite sex that they loop around into the anger and denial stages of grief. While a lot of them bring up good arguments such as every western country having laws that are unfair to men on many subjects, the actual people crusading under this banner are social rejects that only another reject wouldn't mind being associated with. I like to think of myself as not being a complete loser, so I'm gonna have to say that I don't identify as an MRA. [b]AnCap[/b] This is a fucking meme ideology. Unironically supporting AnCap is just as retarded as supporting communism, if not more so. I'm no fan of the government controlling everything but I have more than five brain cells, so I'm gonna have to say I don't identify as AnCap. [b]SJW[/b] Stupid untermensch that had been raised into the upper-middle class with their only hardship in life being a disappointment to their parents? There is literally nothing right about SJWs and their little imaginary crusade against imaginary problems. Definitely don't identify as an SJW. [b]Feminist[/b] Feminism won already, why is it still around? Oh, right. Because people still need some kind of movement to justify their own greed and validate how terrible of a human being they are. People who call themselves feminists are either delusional or crooks. I'm definitely not delusional and only questionably a crook, so I'm no feminist. [b]Brexit[/b] Can't barrage the Farage. Brexit has been the greatest victory for democracy so far in the 21st century. The EU is a failing state that is going to crash the global economy when it goes under, so the sooner it dies the better. Britain needed to leave and so does every other nation in it. The only argument for people who wanted to remain was that they didn't want to have to get travel visas. Tough luck for them. I 100% support Brexit. [b]GG[/b] GamerGate exposed a lot of corruption and collusion among not only gaming journalism but also in the mainstream media corporations like CNN and MSNBC. This was a necessary movement that I supported from the beginning for multiple reasons. The target audience for video games has been under attack for decades now, it was nice to fight back against the retarded and irrelevant SJWs as well as the crooked media that been attacking us. I still support GamerGate and if you think that's not a good thing then you are a part of the problem. [b]Race Realist[/b] Not gonna lie, I hadn't heard of this term before seeing this thread. I know what it refers to but hadn't heard the phrase "race realist" to describe it. Either way I'm gonna have to say I am a race realist. There are distinct biological and genetic differences among the races from a scientific standpoint. It's a byproduct of evolution and natural selection and isn't necessarily a bad thing. A lot of legit racists use this race realist stuff to justify their prejudices but I'm a man of facts and logic. I don't like the idea of a truth being hidden or undiscovered. This stuff is the truth, for better or worse. I don't think the data from it has any real-life application aside from being racist, but that isn't the point. Sometimes the truth hurts. You deal with it because the truth is more important than anyone's feelings. [b]Libertarian[/b] Well the Libertarian Party is a meme party that has a grand total of 20 chromosomes among everyone who's in the party combined, but some actual libertarian principles aren't bad. I believe there needs to be a healthy balance in all aspects of politics so I also believe that a good governing body will have a balance of authoritarian and libertarian principles. The government doesn't need to control everything but it still needs to be in control. I'll give this a solid maybe, or at least a kinda. [/hider]