[center][color=BA55D3][h3]Draco Kalsea || Boarding the Amaranthia[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=BA55D3]For: [@LiverisGood][/color][/center] Draco watched as Tyr, his now leader spoke with Irisara Silaen. His emotions were oozing in his body, the image of sticking a knife in her throat almost made him smile. As they were boarding, Draco pulled Aenwyn aside once aboard the ship. "[color=BA55D3]Hi, my name is Draco, Operative."[/color] He paused for a second, before speaking again, "[color=BA55D3]Before I arrived I used my magic upon you, allowing me to see through your eyes. I apologise for this, but lately I've needed to be cautious because-[/color]" He cut himself off, as to not reveal why he's here, "[color=BA55D3]Point is, I'm sorry for invading.[/color]" [center][color=FF00FF][h3]Xamar || Boarding the Amaranthia[/h3][/color][/center] Xamar was one of the first to board the ship, heading straight for the crows nest. He looked up towards the high post and spoke aloud, "[color=FF00FF]If anyone needs me...[/color]" He jumped before he said anything further, flames engulfing his legs and propelling him to the top where he swiftly landed upon it, sitting on the edge and looking out to sea. He used the time to reflect... [h3][color=FFA500][i]Flashback...[/i][/color][/h3] The sword swung fast, cutting through the air, the swishing sound echoing through Xamars ear. The next swing closer to Xamar's head but he ducked fast, narrowly missing it, he followed it with a swift kick to the mans gut. "[color=FF00FF]Stop it Jarg, you've gone too far![/color]" The man named Jarg charged, his kick covered in lightning connected with Xamars chest, spiraling him through the air and into the wall behind him, creating a small crater. "[color=fff200]Too far? Xamar, you fail to see that the way you live is flawed![/color]" He dashed forward, his fist came rapidly and Xamar was ready. Xamar could read the movements slower then it appeared and just moved, the fist colliding with the wall behind him, decimating it on impact and kicking up the dist and sand around. Xamar jumped above the dust cloud but was quickly rejected out of the air by a quick jolt of lightning. Xamar fell to the ground hard, bouncing and flipping until finally stopping. His back to the sky, a sharp fatal pain shot through his spine as Jarg's knee landed hard into him. Jarg's head lowered towards Xamar's ear, and softly spoke, "[color=fff200]Join me Xamar, together you know no one could stop us, the Dead God is the one true power in this world...[/color]" [h3][color=FFA500][i]Present...[/i][/color][/h3] Xamar rested his hand on his chest, his emotions began to swell and his anger rose, he could feel the soft burning of flames emitting from his fingertips, "[color=FF00FF]Jarg...[/color]"