Karl just nodded when Tyr addressed him. He knew her from the war, she aided The Dawn Covenant with her specific set of skills. He respected her, she followed her orders and her gut. She knew when to follow orders and when the orders given are just wrong. Then the ship appeared, the Sireni woman who hailed Tyr captivated Karl. Ever since the Sireni first appeared, Karl was infatuated with them, well their women mostly. Shaking his head Karl stepped onto the ship, looking around he watched as one of the group launched themselves up to the crows nest, Karl just gave a small smile and made his way to the far side of the ship. Leaning on the rails Karl stared out over the water into the fog. His mind going back to old memories of friends, after hearing the would pass through Dustorne he couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement. He had friends in Dustorne, other "Heroes of The Dawn" to be exact, and he couldn't wait to meet them. Still leaning on the ships rail, Karl turned his back to the open water and watched as the others boarded the ship.