[@tathgon] You approached the cloacked official who takes ahold of your bags and begins rummaging through. They check over your paperwork without incident and sifts through your things. It seems over in a flash, as they wave their hand over yours and the telltale symbol of the In Training students appears on your skin with a warm pleasant tingle. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BP78D5H.png[/img][/center][hr][@Brasslazer][@RedDusk] and also [@SilverDawn][@Kimi]. Through the magic of forum timetravel it'll apply to all of you while me, [@SilverDawn] and [@kimi] work on our post :D [center][i]I'll let you guys decide whether you go straight there or if you head over in a minute. So feel free to use this as and when you like :D[/i][/center] Perhaps you should of been surprised by the elegant metal fence hidden in the treeline, or the well dressed man in coattails who opened the gate for you. Behind you the quiet bustle of the B dorm fades away as an elegant carriage drawn by strange inkly-black horses with ethereal flowing manes comes to collect you. Seeing the length of the winding drive that dissapears over a slope you expect the journey to be a long one, but barely a couple minutes pass and the door is opened for you by another manservant. The ride itself felt near instantaeneous, without the slightest jostle to give away that you were even moving. As it was, you stand before the castle you'll be staying in for the year. A series of gargoyles perch among the eaves, watching you intently with empty stone eyes. [center][img]http://handluggageonly.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/French-Castles-To-Visit-2.jpg[/img][/center] There are few students here, but many a servant attending to the grounds or holding open the doors. It isn't a student who comes to greet you but a maid, dressed in [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/032/b/0/the_maid_outfit_by_blueberrysweet-d38kfo8.jpg]elegant blacks and whites[/url]. She offers a dainty courtsey as a couple of gentlemen come over with some large, daunting golems and offer to take your bags for you. [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d4/3a/41/d43a41a233036e69ebe708e6852c851c.jpg[/img][/center] [color=darkgray]"Welcome to Castle Homegrad, also known as the "VIP Dorm" to other students. We hope you find your stay here pleasant. If you would be so kind as to follow me, masters and mistresses, I would be most grateful."[/color] an elegant gesture of her hand and she leads you through the courtyard and into the castle itself. It is far larger on the inside then you gave it credit for. The entrancehall was built to make an impression, and did just that. The sweeping staircase led up deeper into the castle, decorared by the glittering lights that even now were lit. There was no doubt every slab of marble, curve of wood and piece of polish metal was hand-crafted and designed. However, it seemed they had attempted to make things a little more comfortable - squirreled away by the windows were small collections of old, elegant but comfy armchairs with a couple of small bookcases surrounding them. A huge clock was built high into the wall above the staircase, keeping perfect time. [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3e/99/7b/3e997b7eabb88ecba94aca44408a3d1a.jpg[/img][/center] [color=darkgray]"Castle Homegrad is a generally peaceful place. We have the finest chefs here to cook you the most exquisite food - you may eat in your own quarters or our lavish dining rooms. There are a number of drawing rooms and places of entertainment throughout the castle that we hope you will find to your tastes."[/color] The maid began to climb the staircase with the newcomers, a strange expression crossing her face for the smallest of moments as she hesitated before she spoke. [color=darkgray]"You will find Castle Homegrad quite unusual. The rooms and hallways... they have a way of appearing and dissapearing. For this reason, you may pick any room as your quarters that takes your fancy. There are many bells you may ring across the castle if you need to call a servant or if you get lost." "And please... don't bother with the rumours you hear from other students about the castle, masters and mistresses. There really is no weight to them."[/color]