[hider]Adrian Beriff (pronounced Bay-riff ) "We accept the love we think we deserve" Stephen Chebosky [IMG]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=49528945[/IMG] Appearance: Adrian is approximately 6 feet tall, weighing in at 180 pounds. He has an athletic build, muscular, a sign of a regular workout routine. His eyes are a deep blue, something often hidden in the hardness of his eyes and face. His eyes look nearly black a large portion of the time. Rarely will a smile appear on his face, and if it does, it is most likely an angry sarcastic grin rather then a smile. The muscles in his neck is a sign of his anger, the tenser and more visible they become, the angrier he is getting. Covering part of his upper body is [url=http://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/tribal-tattoo600_498.jpg]this[/url] tattoo. He received it not long after he began school. His appearance tends to consist of a dark colored shirt, jeans, and simple black tennis shoes. His clothes, while loose enough to provide adequate movement, are tight enough to give a hint of just the strength poised inside of him. He also always has a belt, plain black on the outside, but inscribed on the inside. He always has [url=https://img1.etsystatic.com/068/1/6652292/il_fullxfull.778363135_sqd8.jpg]this[/url] necklace with him, touch it and your finger might be turned into ash. If seen outside of the campus grounds, he will almost, without a doubt, have a cigarette between his fingers, as well as him attempting to enter a drinking establishment. Personality: Adrian has some issues, not that he's one to admit that immediately off the bat. Saying he is temperamental is an understatement. The smallest thing can create a sudden, intense rage that is difficult to dampen. He is extremely guarded, it appears no other emotion shows other then anger or indifference. He keeps to himself, not attempting to track down conflict, conflict just appearing to find him. On the inside, Adrian is lost and confused. While he doesn't outwardly say it, he knows he has a problem, and he wishes to control it. He knows his anger fuels his power, makes his power stronger. But it is also a weakness. He is fearful of hurting, or even possibly killing others. Blocking everyone and everything out seemed to be the most effective way. But the anger continues to boil, until he has a burst of rage. He is lonely, but had convinced himself, despite being with others similar to him, that he is a monster. And no one needs or wants a monster. He has lost faith in himself. But maybe.. Someone could bring him back. History: Childhood was relatively normal for Adrian, he was raised in a family of four, himself, his older brother, and his mother and father. Everything appeared to be normal, until he hit puberty. Through time, the happy boy that his family new, only existed on brief occasions. Screaming and arguing was a seemingly constant sound in the Beriff household. His anger, for a while, never was physical, until in one of the many fights, his anger was turned on the room around him. His family left the raging boy, afraid for their own safety, the 15 year old was a force to be dealt with. When they returned, the 15 year old was found sitting in the midst of the room, furniture broken, glass everywhere, everything in shambles. The teenager covered in cuts and scrapes, with tears of regret sliding down his face. Not long after this, was when he was diagnosed with his problem. Intermittent explosive disorder. It fit his issues, random rage from the slightest of things described it. But despite knowing, it didn't help with the controlling. While time was now slowly increased between the aggressive explosions, they became worse, like all the anger had built up and then become let free. His worst explosion, happened on the 19th of August, a day now that Adrian states as the worst day of his life. The day his power manifested. The trigger, was something trivial enough he couldn't remember. But his brother had enough, and went off on his 16 year old brother. A grave mistake. His anger was fueled, and before his family could withdraw his brother, before anyone could stop what was coming, Adrian's eyes glowed and fire exploded from him. The heat and the flames themselves, instantly killed his family, and destroyed the house. Adrian managed to be awake enough, his clothes in tatters, burned nearly to pieces, to crawl over to his burnt mother. Sobbing, the boy took ahold of his mother's necklace, begging for her to come back. But she would never. Next thing he knew, he was waking in a hospital, wearing a hospital gown. Posted outside his room, was a police officer. Panic began to fill him, flashbacks filling his head, sitting up and ripping out the IV in his arm, grabbing onto his head, and a horrible gut wrenching scream escaped him. The police officer ran into the room, followed closely by nurses, as well as security. However, when he was grabbed, others withdrew shouting in pain, his skin radiating heat to the point of burning them. Standing up with a panic and glancing around, one thing was spotted, the necklace. After grabbing it, Adrian quickly broke through the group, running from the hospital as quick as he could. After running for a long period of time through woods, he collapsed to the ground, cries escaping the 16 year old. He stared at his hands, shaking, afraid of himself, and whatever power he possessed. Not long after his escape, the men in black suits found him, taking him off to the school. But, the boy was shut down. He appeared to be mentally and emotionally not there. He had shut down. Before he had another episode. But the school was prepared, sealing him off to where the explosion of fire could not damage anyone. But once again, Adrian was asleep for many, many hours. Over time, the happens was explained to him, explained what he was, and why he was capable of what he was. And soon, a study of his abilities began. But, little Adrian, was still blocked on the inside. And he was done with his life. He attempted suicide, but due to the close watch by the school, it was prevented, and any sharp object was retrieved from him. But Adrian gained an understanding, as well as it being explained. Whether he liked it or not. He was living here. Once he was viewed stable, he was allowed out of school grounds, but his powers were controlled, to protect everyone around him. Not long after, Adrian had managed to begin smoking, quickly becoming addicted. He used it as a method of trying to keep him calm, but alas, it didn't completely succeed. His outbursts occurred, but due to the control placed on him, he was incapable of the explosions prior. Now, smoking, pushing himself physically passed his limits through work outs, and gym, was his was to try to keep his out bursts down, but they still occurred. He's spent too much time in detention for him to count, mostly as a place to cool off in. Quite literally. Metahuman Classification: Elemental; fire His most powerful, and by far most controlled power, is his explosion. Centered at his heart, fire explodes outwards, with enough force to easily destroy normal walls, burning everything else. The fire upon explosion, is blue white in color, and anything within a 5-10 foot radius, is incinerated, even the ash burnt. This takes a huge toll, leaving Adrian unconscious for approximately 12-18 hours. Leading up to the explosion, is his body temperature rising. At a certain point he will become unbearable to touch. Fire will start sparking around his hands and feet, his clothes beginning to burn.His eyes will begin to glow, but at that point it is too late. He also has the ability to create and control fire. Blasts of fire from his hands and feet are his most common way of using it, but he could set anything on fire within his eye sight, or put out any fire. His creation of fire with his hands is the most effective way, and he can control it away from him, but the further away the more likely the fire will die. He can create walls of fire, increasing the temperature of which that many objects would burn before making through. He is only capable at one type at a time. He cannot hold up a wall and shoot fire at the same time, nor can he set things on fire. It requires focus to do what he needs to do. One of his weaknesses is a requirement of sight or touch. Without, he cannot light things. He can shoot fire, but even his control after it leaves his hand is extremely limited. His true weakness however, his cold. Lower his internal body temperature to a certain point, and he will be incapable of creating any fire, using his hands or otherwise. Cold makes it harder for him to focus as well. Ice held on his skin, seems to also has the same effect as fire does on others, it will burn him. The school has given him a belt, inscribed with the ability to sense his body temperature and react according by creating a cold environment. Inside the school, it has also gives the ability to cool the room he is in as well. Allergies: None Pre-existing conditions: intermittent explosive disorder, mild depression, mild post traumatic stress disorder, and a nicotine addiction [/HIDER]