[center][color=0076a3][h3]Elaine Soyala[/h3][/color][/center] After leaving her room, she realized it might be a good idea to take a book with her. She was mostly going to focus on eating, since she could definitely smell food coming from downstairs, but having something else to occupy herself with would be a good idea. A pleasant distraction. She went back to her dorm and grabbed one of her psychology books before heading down. Thankfully, the trip to the Gym wasn't a long one, and she didn't have to say hello to any of the other students on the way there. Descending the stairs, her stomach growled rather loudly as she opened the door to the gym behind some other student who was panting and sweating a little. Working out, was he? Or maybe he was just a delinquent trying to not be late. [b]"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!"[/b] The sudden loud greeting from the student caused Elaine to visibly cringe, holding a hand to cover the ear closest to the boy. [color=0076a3]"Annoying."[/color] Elaine grumbled quietly to herself as she walked away. Always some loud fool making a nuisance of themselves in events like this, and she had no desire to be in his vicinity. Of course, if he wanted to pursue her for that little comment if he had heard it that would be entirely on him. She was focused entirely on getting some delicious food and possibly getting rid of this troublesome urge a bit. Elaine walked over to the table where the food was. The book would make it somewhat difficult to carry plates, but she could deal. Wasn't like lifting anything would be a problem. She'd just have to balance it well. She placed her book on the table, setting a plate on top of it, and began filling it...with some of everything. When it was full, she got a second plate and began filling it, followed by a third. Three plates full of food should do for now, she'd get more later if there was any left. Picking up the plate with the book on it in one hand, picking up the second and balancing it on her forearm, and the third in her left hand. She probably looked like some sort of professional waiter carrying this much without effort. She just had to find an empty seat, and she'd be fine...but she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. [i]was[/i] someone watching her? She wasn't shy and didn't have social anxiety of any sort...but she couldn't let the feeling go. As she looked across the room to find a relatively empty, quiet seat, she also scanned the people in the room, but quickly gave it up. It'd be annoying to deal with it so she might as well not try. Instead, she moved to a seat at the end of a table with a few people, sat the plates and the book down, and started eating.