[hr][hr][center][h3][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Woods North of Salarn, Orc Encampment, Cave [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With: [/color] Orc Chief, Cyneburg [/center][/b][hr][hr] Keystone looked over to Cyneburg as she translated, suddenly remembering why he requested her presence. Translator! Of course. Makes perfect sense now. A quarter second of berating himself for the mild but inexcusable brain fart (in the middle of a delicate social interaction, no less) later, and he responded to his group's resident Druid. [color=b8860b]"Yeah, fair cop, that. I'm hangin' my preference on somethin' jangly to compensate, but it beats a poke to the eye, finger or otherwise."[/color] He gave a sideways glance to Kyra, standing by them. Keystone was unsure as to whether he actually had any authority whatsoever to speak for everyone in his group, no small part because he met a number of them on the road. They were not originally part of the deal that brought them all out in the first place, and might very well have their own ideas of what they wanted to do over the course of the next few days. And Kyra herself: She was in the service of Elves. Keystone sure as Bacon couldn't speak for her. [color=b8860b]"Right then. I'd be willin' to have a speak at Salarn's elders. Whether they listen to me or not's up to them. I'll 'ave to take this to my group, 'fore I talk on what they decide. I'm for it, wha'ever else. We dealin'?"[/color] The concept of returning to Salarn worked for Keystone. It would mean a chance to rest and reprovision, maybe pick up his own cart and a mule to pull it. The aim was to resolve the situation and push on his way, circumventing this whole area. There had to be an established trade route nearby that didn't take them through Undead infested Orc territory. Besides, if there was any chance that the living dead were involved, he'd want to be someplace defensible and stocked. If he had his actual preference on the matter, he'd want to be someplace far, far away, reading about it after the fact. But beggars can't be choosers.