Okay, so fun facts: I'm starting to play with novelizing PoW. [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vvkCEntox7siTHNO-wWVjuS3ilLB_8HsMc2dhgLFy9k/edit]I've written a thing.[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/DestructiveReaders/comments/53ghsj/2568_untitled_althistory_piece_20th_century/]And had some people look at it.[/url] This is just the start of the process. If anybody wants to get in on it, we should probably talk how that would look. [@Pepperm1nts], [@Dinh AaronMk], and [@gorgenmast] [quote=@Mihndar] It does seem rather odd to novelize a story that really isn't complete. [/quote] RP is moving deadly slow right now. If I waited for others to post before posting, nothing would get done. But if I used my place as, like, half the world right now, I'd just be writing back and forth to myself a lot as if I were writing the end of a book, so I might as well start back at the beginning and do this shit properly. Also, to bookify this, a lot of shit has to be changed. Most of PoW is NRP style meetings, pure world building with no story, or of dubious relevance. Not to mention the history is really shaky at best. All these things have to be solved, and the fat cut, so that beginning at the beginning makes it easier to get the story right. And Also Also, fuck it, RP is little leagues now, I want to advance to the next level.