[color=bc8dbf][center][h1]Satilla Valen[/h1][/center][/color] [center][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color] By the Cave [color=bc8dbf]Interacting With:[/color] Group around the fire![/center] [color=bc8dbf] “ Truly wonderful performance!”[/color] The witch said as the wonderful performance came to a close. Satilla then watched curiously as the half-orc seemed to have decided to prepare himself some dinner in the form of a rabbit. That was all fine, but she realized it was HIS dinner really. There was about enough on that rabbit for him to get a decent meal. This returned her thoughts to the realization she didn’t really have anything to eat herself right now. [color=bc8dbf][i]‘Well this is a great failure on my part.’[/i][/color] She thought, running a hand cross Skittle’s back. She then raised her eyes back up and looked at Sana as she seemed to have decided to go hunting.[color=bc8dbf]” Good hunting, Sana.”[/color] The witch wished the woman. She doubted there would be much game left around with all these orcs so it meant Sana would have to go to a decent distance from the cave before she finds something really. [color=bc8dbf]“I will not pass such a kind proposition, Clanon. A small piece would be fine, I don’t really eat too much in general.”[/color] The witch said with grateful voice and looked at the elf.