[center][h3]Liam Pyne[/h3][/center] Liam’s jaw almost bounced off the table as he looked at the girl who had just entered the gym. There was no way. It had been years and he’d never encountered another Outsider. Annemarie winked out of existence as soon as the girl entered the gym. [i]Interesting, the other spirits feel to.[/i] Steeling himself Liam continued to peer at the Outsider possessing the girl. There was no doubt she was new because Liam had made damn certain that there were no other Spirit Vessels or mediums enrolled at the academy. Apparently they were a pretty rare breed but still it had been odd that there were no others at the Academy. Peeling back the veil further Liam did his best to get a grasp on what it was that was possessing the girl. It was clear that it was a nonhuman spirit; but what [i]was[/i] it. The thing had physical characteristics he could only describe as hunger. It was strange staring at spirits sometimes because they usually had traits one could only describe as urges, passions or emotions. There was no other way to describe the physical characteristics no one thing could be pointed to, it was like they had some additional dimension to them that was like looking at emotions. Tracking her movements Liam watched as she loaded her plates. While it didn’t appear to have physical manifestations initially the way she loaded her plates made a lot of sense. [i]So why does she look like she’s acting normal? That has to be a wicked power spirit…[/i] There was absolutely something else going on with this girl. As she walked towards a table she seemed to scan the now more crowded gym. [i]Interesting, I wonder if that’s just good intuition or if my sight has a physical effect.[/i] Slowly closing his book Liam watched until she sat down at the end of a table. [color=silver]Make some new friends[/color] “Oh Arty you are not going to be happy about this choice I have no doubt.[/i] Standing up Liam moved slowly through the group of students who had currently gathered in the Gym. Being careful to be as unassuming as possible he walked over to where she was sitting at the end of the table. Putting his hand on the back of a chair next to her he pulled it out partially. “Hello, do you mind if I sit here?” Regardless of her response the range gave him a better look at the possessing spirit. It was decidedly [b]not[/b] human. Additionally it appeared to be trapped in some manner which explained the lack of physical manifestations other than the fact that the girl seemed to be kind of thin. Being careful not to open himself up to the spirit realm besides his sight Liam did his best not to make his starring obvious. Was this really what he’d been looking for the last year? There was no way. Whatever had gotten ahold of him had been fully malevolent and delighted in fear and torment. This thing just felt…[b][i]hungry[/i][/b] [@Rune_Alchemist]