Drystan felt sick. Physically, gut-wrenchingly sick, and the world around began to cloud and spin. “[color=00aeef][b]Host? What is-[/b][/color]” Dialga was cut off before he could get any further. “[color=00aeef]Shut up,[/color]” Drystan said harshly, “[color=00aeef]you goddamn [i]idiot[/i]. All this searching for a single Orb, the costs I have gone to and still failed to procure it, the direct result of your baseless obsession with an object [i]we don’t need[/i].[/color]” The end of Drystan’s outburst hung in the empty room, leaving a stunned Legend and Pokemon looking on in shock. “[color=00aeef][b][i]What?[/i][/b][/color]” Dialga asked, incredulously. Swallowing his sudden excitement again, the Avatar’s composure returned. “[color=00aeef]It’s a bargaining chip. We are going to buy his loyalty with the Orb, because the Orb is the only thing in the whole world that Giratina is likely to covet.[/color]” Taking a deep breath, Drystan exhaled in an attempt to calm himself slightly. “[color=00aeef]The problem with that is so obvious, but i’ve remained blind to it. Pushing my resources to the limit searching [i]fruitlessly[/i] for that one trinket, when all we had to do was to tell him the truth.[/color]” “[color=00aeef][b]He’ll never listen. The second we show up without the threat of the Orb to hold him back, that maggot will destroy us![/b][/color]” “[color=00aeef]Oh, please,[/color]” Drystan chuckled. “[color=00aeef]He can certainly try. Personally, I think you’ll find him rather biddable, especially when we offer him [i]Arceus’s head[/i].[/color]” There was a stirring sensation in the man’s mind as his Legend fell silent. A warmth spread out across his body, a tingling like a very slight electric shock. “[color=00aeef][b]Oh.[/b][/color]” Drystan smiled. “[color=00aeef]Oh.[/color]” Rolling, ethereal laughter polluted his senses as Dialga finally grasped the whole situation. A hard, steely determination fell over Deladriss’s face. “[color=FF6666]Does that mean everything is in place?[/color]” she inquired. Opening his mouth to speak, her master was cut off by the Legend’s voice. “[color=00aeef][b]Not everything,[/b][/color]” he boomed. “[color=00aeef][b]But a great deal. Host, I believe the time has come for me and my brother to have a touching family reunion.[/b][/color]” “[color=00aeef]You know,[/color]” Drystan said, sporting a positively vulpine smile, “[color=00aeef]I couldn’t agree more.[/color]” The trio made their way through the door, towards the main arenas where the battles earlier had taken place. Marching with a purpose, the Avatar approached one of the more official-looking attendants and promptly stated his wish to withdraw from the tournament. The prize was almost certainly not anything worth his time. Not now. Stating the reason for withdrawal as ‘business-related’, they let him go without too much time wasted nor bravado. It would seem that young Kaze would get the opportunity to compete in his place, and Drystan instructed the officials to wish him luck on his behalf, should he accept. That done, together they weaved through the crowd towards the exit, past security and into the cool afternoon air. After the morning spent underground, the natural light washing over them felt good and was just warm enough to be comfortable. Leaning on a nearby wall, he fished out his cigar, before lighting it and beginning to smoke. Extinguishing the match, he replaced it with his cellphone and - a quick search through his contacts later - it began to ring. Seconds later, the call connected. “[color=00aeef]Aktzin. Things are progressing much better than I originally thought. Time to earn your keep. Meet me at Mauville General in half an hour.[/color]” Without waiting for a response, he tapped the red button and hung up. Another drag of the cigar later, Drystan kicked off the wall, gestured for his Scizor to follow, and began to saunter down the road into the midday sun towards the hospital and a long awaited reunion between two old and bitter foes. So,to lighten the mood, he began to whistle a tune.