[@Hippo AF] [color=yellow]"Hi, my name is Draco, Operative." He paused for a second, before speaking again, "Before I arrived I used my magic upon you, allowing me to see through your eyes. I apologise for this, but lately I've needed to be cautious because-" He cut himself off, as to not reveal why he's here, "Point is, I'm sorry for invading."[/color] The confession was rather abrupt and unexpected and it caught her off guard. Rather than relief, Aenwyn could only feel suspicion. Someone casting a vision spell to peer through the eyes of another was suspicious enough. But to actually confess it to the victim and let slip that they were cautious about something was very extremely out of the ordinary. Admittedly, she appreciated his honestly. Perhaps if the man worded his confession differently, Aenwyn could find it in her to somewhat forgive the transgression. But, this person definitely felt as if he had a hidden agenda. Aenwyn cast a careful gaze upon Draco. The human was tall and lanky but his features were rather boyish and it appeared that he was around his early twenties. In other words, he looked normal enough for a human. However, anyone who was part of the Overeeers were anything but normal. "It's not often I have my privacy invaded and then have the perpetrator immediately confess that they were sorry for doing so. I'll accept your apology this time. However, I must ask you this. Why apologize when you could have remained hidden? I find it incredibly hard to believe one can be so honest."