Geoffrey was slightly surprised when he came back to the alleyway, only to find Zander there, working on his Seal Papers in plain sight, and not a single person around him. He stood at the entrance to the alleyway for a few heartbeats before he cleared his throat,"Milord?" Geoffrey asked in as formal a mocking as he could as he bowed slightly when Zander blinked up at him. The scowl he received from the young healer was more then worth it's weight in gold. Geoffrey laughted, straightened himself and held out a hand to the sitting down healer. "One day," Zander said as Geo helped him off the ground. "I'm going to put something nasty in your shorts like your mother told me too..." Geoffrey laughed and let go of Zander's hand before someone thought other things that were going on between them, were going on between them. "Then I'LL be the one laughing at you." "One day," Geoffrey fired right back. "Ya won' be such a stick n'da mud. Ya use ta laugh alot more when ya wasn' foll'wing these people 'round." Zander rolled his eyes and couldn't help a small bit of laughter. It felt foreign to him for a moment, but he brushed it aside. Nymira had caught him off guard, and here he was always on the defensive. He slightly missed travelling alone, healing those he could and moving on. He'd done it for sometime now, and here he was trying to save a Ydran whelp with the most odd bunch of misfits he'd ever laid eyes upon. Shaking off his weird thoughts again he couldn't help be smirk at a thought. Bowing back to Geoffrey, and sweeping his arm in front of him to lead the way, he pretended not to hear Geoffrey call him a pounce, whatever that was, and followed after the brown-haired archer. They continued on, in silence when Geoffrey stopped him what seemed like streets away from the destination he had in mind. "Do ya think ya can act as a bu'r for ya family," Geoffrey posed the question as devoid of emotion as possible. Hearing Zander hum in thought, he continued leading the way. "Most people," Zander answered as they passed a few more buildings. "Don't know that side to my family." He ended the conversation there and poked Geoffrey. "I think we should hurry, I have a feeling disaster is going to strike and strike soon." Nodding in agreement, Geoffrey took off at a run with Zander following and sometimes lagging behind him. They were heading to slightly more populated streets to cut down on the time it took to hopefully meet the others by the warehouse that was big enough to house a slave ring. Digging into his pouch hanging at his side, he let a blade a grass fall slowly. Zander grabbed it, stuttering as he went and stopped. [u]"Wasn't this suppse to be FOR IF we found something," Zander hollered up to Geoffrey as they continued to run. Zander was lagging further behind and didn't hear the reply Geoffrey gave. Giving a shrug, he let the blade of grass fall to the ground, they could always grab abother thin piece like that one. When he looked back up to see where his other half had gone, he wasn't in sight. Letting out a sigh, he picked up his pace, his wooden sandals digging into the cobbled street.[/u] [i]Straight ahead, I hope...[/i]