[h1] [center] Republic of Zellonia [img] http://i.imgur.com/AVGmlw5.jpg [/img] [/center] [/h1] [h2] [center] Foulois Accords [/center] [/h2] With the diplomats home from several months away they are welcomed back quietly having gained nothing of importance especially now with more pressing manners [h2] [center] Blueprints Bound [/center] [/h2] As the Head of Government Trellis Roberts was away James Conrad head of the Conrad party and Conrad Crowns was able to pull some strings while also selling the Mark C rifle far better than that of the double R. As such the Mark C was put into production right away. [h2] [center] The Seljuk Civil War [/center] [/h2] While the loss of the ZRN “Hope” seemed like a bad oman the remaining crewmen didn’t forget. The 20,000 men that had been sent would unload Seljuk controlled lands and under the command of Colonel Veil Jerjerrod would take his men to the front line bringing fresh manpower and supplies. From there they would move along the coast with the Naval support to breach holes on the revolutionaries lines. [h2] [center] Kingdom of Samgola [/center] [/h2] Trellis Roberts, plans to send an ambassador to openly welcome the kingdom of Samgola and begin to lay the foundation for future expansion in the area with their planned support. [hider=Production] [[b]Factory 1[/b]] - [[b]Armsl[/b]] - [[b]+20% Rifle Production[/b]] - [[i]Rifles Mark C[/i]] - [[i]12,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 2[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]100,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 3[/b]] - [[b] Industrial [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]100,000 [/i]] [[b]Factory 4[/b]] - [[b] Industrial [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]100,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 5[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]+20% Income[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 6[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]+20% Income[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 7[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]+20% Income[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 8[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]+20% Income[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000[/i]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Budget] Active Soldier 100,000 men Costing 1,000 each costing a total 100,000,000. 10 light cannons costing 10,000 Active Navy 34 Destroyers costing 8,160,000 4 Submarines costing 720,000 22 Light Cruisers costing 6,600,000 11 Armoured Cruisers costing 5,280,000 12 Coastal batteries costing 8,400,000 9 Dreadnoughts costing 18,000,000 Entire navy costing 47,160,000 Running the 8 factories costs 200,000,000 Researching New Industrial tech for 300,000,000 Counter-Espionage in Zellonia for 100,000,000 Entire budget costs 672,170,000 Remaining for July 7,830,000 [/hider]