Jason mentally lowered his guard. His therapists were actually right for once, he had read her wrong. She was friendlier than he expected. It occurred to him him as he looked around momentarily that he's attempting to read these people in the same way that he reads "normal people" and like himself he knew they weren't normal. [i]Time to cut the superior analytical bullshit, and act like a normal human being.[/i] He was painfully aware that It was a mentality he sometimes took as a defense mechanism. He chuckled at her joke. "Yeah I'm new here, sorry for being kinda weird, this place is just a bit overwhelming. I'm Jason by the way." He smiled feeling at ease. It had been so long since he had been able to interact with other people his age like this. Without being called a freak. The thought of the word sent a wave of nausea rippling through his body, as the terrible memories momentarily surfaced. But he managed to keep a casual face. [@caits]