[color=lightgreen][center][h2][b]Scholar Leo Cyrule[/b][/h2] [h3]Dune City; Pokemon Center burned[/h3][/center][/color] [center] [@Sho Minazuki] [@Heckno12] [@Sketcher] [@EWillden] [hider=Current Team] Treeko [img]http://www.serebii.net/xy/pokemon/252.png[/img] Name: Maple Leaf Ability: Overgrowth Lvl 13 Moves: Bullet Seed, Pound, Mega Drain, ??? Condition: Perfect [/hider] [/center] Leon looked up when he heard a voice and quickly raised a finger to hush him for a moment while his mother continued to talk on the other line. “Anyways hunny, I want you to be careful. This lot, who ever the hell they are… apparently are more blood thirsty than the rest of the teams. It seems they’ve been using terroristic actions to further their cause. Which we can only assume mayhem at this point. The city police chief is making us crack down on security… sooo cops are on edge.” Leo listened continued to listen quietly as he leaned back in his chair. His eyes turning away from Rylen to look up to the ceiling for a moment. And then closed his eyes. “And Leon, I want you to be careful. Don’t try to be a hero, and if you don’t got an option fight back tooth and nail. It seems times have changed a lot from just “demonstrations” involving professional robberies. Now it’s just every mother ****er with a gun has something to say.” “Yes Ma’am,” Leon said solemnly as he opened his eyes. “Good good! Well, I love you. I need to get back to work.” “Alright then, I love you too.” With that, the aspiring engineer placed the phone back on the hook and gave maple –whom was fast asleep in his lap- a pat on the head. He took a moment to think, and then turned his attention back to Rylen. “Right then! You still remember my name! That’s good! Though you still have me at a disadvantage, and so does your entire group. Which begs the question... why ask a stranger to help you make lunch for associates whom are still strangers to the stranger?”