[center][h1]Two Weeks Later...[/h1][/center] The sun rose over the sea to greet the crew of The Amaranthia with its warm rays. Tyr was already awake and was getting dressed in her cabin when suddenly the ship's crew went on full alert. The alarm bell was rung furiously as the crew readied themselves for whatever threat was approaching. Tyr quickly got her effects before rushing to the top deck just in time to hear one of the crewmen yell, "Renmer raiding vessel heading towards the port bow! She flies imperial colors!" Tyr looked for Irisara who was already standing by the helm, looking through her spyglass at the approaching enemy. [color=ed1c24]"Iris, can we out run them?"[/color], Tyr asked as she darted up the steps to the helm deck. [color=00aeef]"Afraid not, we're taking headwinds right now. A fight is inevitable it seems"[/color], Tyr nodded in response and unsheathed her sword as she awaited the pirates' attack. [color=00aeef]"All hands to the top deck, to arms! Mages, prepare to fire volley on our portside! Archers to the mast platforms! All others just be ready for a fight, this isn't any renmer pirate, we'll be fighting imperial privateers!"[/color], Irisara barked orders up and down the ship before unsheathing her twin swords, their ringing sounding as serene as a siren's call. Aboard the renmer ship, The Ketokar, its men were already armed and ready to board its newest prize. Captain Irisara was right to have caution as imperial privateers generally had better equipment with trained naval soldiers. The captain of The Ketokar was practically mimicking Irisara's actions as he too was watching through his spyglass. "It appears we've run into the Pirate Queen, herself. Sea elf bitch, I'll have those fangs of hers pulled out of her pretty mouth for what she did to us, what do you say to that lads?", the crew of The Ketokar roared in response, remembering how badly Irisara had damaged their ship in their last confrontartion. Now they had a chance to repay the favor as the ships were coming into range of one another. The mages of both ships were already firing at one another, stay bolts of lightning and fireballs flew into the hull of both ships and their crew. Finally the two ships sailed to each other's sides and arrows began to fly until both captains gave the order to charge.