[center][color=BA55D3][h3]Draco Kalsea || Aboard The Amaranthia[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=BA55D3]For: [@LiverisGood][/color][/center] He watched as this elf spoke to him and he chose his words carefully. He grew a smile, it was soft, kind and warm."[color=Ba55D3]We're going to be on this ship for a while, in that time I believe many of us are going to learn quite a bit about eachother. So when you learn of my abilities, you would grow angry that I kept it from you, that I invaded your mind without so much as telling you. This way, I tell you now. It's better in the long run.[/color]" [h3]Two Weeks Later - The Attack[/h3] Draco was on deck when the chaos started. He watched as his leader rushed to the helm, barking orders towards the crew as everyone drew ready for the battle. Draco drew his blades and rushed to the side of the ship on which the attack would happen. As both ships drew neaer, the uproar from the attacking ship drew ever so loud. An arrow shot across towards him. Without so much as a blink, he swung his dagger in front of him, slicing the bolt away from his body. Then he stopped, his breathing slowed as he shot his mind across the ocean and into one of the enemy crew. It was fuzzy and blurry, his mind wasn't settled but he got what he was after. Once his mind returned, he turned to the helm and rushed off, another bolt flying towards him but was stopped by a body of another crewmen. The blood shot across Draco's face and in that second, he was happy. He reached his leader and the Captain. "[color=BA55D3]Captain, it's The Ketokar. And it's Captain is targeting you, now I know you don't need protection but please allow me to stay guard with you.[/color]" His voice filled with concern but strong with confidence. [center][color=FF00FF][h3]Xamar || Aboard The Amaranthia[/h3][/color][/center] The Katokar was here, along their ship and the fight began. Xamar was still atop the crows nest, standing with his arms engulfed in scorching flames. He looked down upon The Katokar before joining his arms together and shooting a stream of fire at the enemies crow nest. The man who stood next opposite Xamar, atop the attacking crows nest fell fast and hard into the deck as the mast blustered collapsed. The man was dead on impact. Xamar took a second before diving off of his perch, nose diving straight into the open body of water beneath him. The screams of the dying, the roar of the living was all but muffled under the waters surface. Xamar continued to swim underwater, going across the bottom of The Katokar and to the other side. He emerged with little gasp, the sound of battle was now booming through the air. He latched onto the side of the ship and found a hole for where the mages peer through, he had a look inside and saw about 10 men on the other side casting magic and volleying magic blasts, "[color=FF00FF]Well that seems a little overkill...[/color]" Xamar had an idea and he smiled slightly. He put his open hand through the open hole and shot a small ball of fire towards them, "[color=FF00FF][b]Blazing Discharge![/b][/color]" The small flame ball imploded at first but then erupted. The explosion was almost instant, the fire encasing Xamar with no pain and the men who were firing magic were gone, leaving a gaping hole in the ship. "[color=FF00FF]Never mind, I apologies, [i]that[/i] was overkill...[/color]"