[quote=@Roosan] I was actually sitting down to write an interest check for a western RP myself when I saw this, though I must admit my knowledge of history order probably less extensive. Colour me very interested, I'll probably make a naive young goody two shoes. [/quote] Darn it, now I have to be the GM and actually fact-check everything, and you not. Or not :P Anyhow, good to have you onboard. I create characters and NPC's myself, so even if you're the only good character you'll have someone to interact with. [quote=@bluetommy2] Interested. [/quote] Splendid, any ideas for a character then? [quote=@Mr Allen J] I've been meaning to make a female (and/or black) cowboy. [/quote] Sounds good, that'll surely not cause an uproar whatsoever :P But welcome. I'll put up a character sheet later today (hopefully) so that you can have something to work with. [quote=@Ghost Queen] I'm game. [/quote] Hello Game, I'm ONL. Pleased to meet you. Enjoy your stay, make sure to take off that armour or else you'll die from the heat. [quote=@Sigurd] And just as I've been (re)watching [i]Deadwood[/i]... I'll let you know if I am up for the game later today, or tomorrow. It does seem interesting! EDIT Screw it, I'm game! [/quote] That's the spirit! Good to have you onboard, Sigurd!