Turning at the chest to only keep track of Chris as the other, taller man left, Carver said nothing further about the matter. The two stood there for a moment, then the latter resumed walking and excused himself from the building. Each step Chris took was purposeful and dedicated, as if he had other places to be. Truthfully he did, but the town of Jennings was seeing to that by continuously throwing ever more new and odd factors in. The man seemed temperamental enough as it was - Piper just seemed to brought it to the forefront, probably even now as she slipped herself around the cashiering desk. She followed, exchanging a glance with Carver who she soon stood beside by the door, but directed her efforts towards Chris. He watched her for a moment, hearing out what she had to ask of her aggressive customer. Carver gave a chortle to that; it seemed safe to say wisdom wasn't the strongest of her suits - that man had just been willing to beat senseless her, a much smaller woman, just for his car being late. Pursuing the veterinarian turned coroner, pushing on a topic he was touchy about... it just seemed like bad news. "In case you're curious," Carver said, attempting to distract the still visibly dazed but overwhelming curious woman as she leaned out the old metal framed glass door, "Cutter is the reason." Cutter. Cutter was some old crazed, drunk woodsman with more tall tales to tell than anyone else who wandered themselves happily into town short of the fishermen. Anything and everything odd or strange, he had some sort of rumor or hearsay on, but the man was a walking crackpot. The only reason anyone kept the bastard around was because if as liquored as he was, he could hunt or track about anything - man or animal. The sheriff kept him out of jail, the worst Cutter found himself in being confinement for days at a time, but that tended to be when he needed some sobering up. To Piper however, Cutter's name inferred something a lot more sinister about this all. Cutter was pretty adamant there were stranger things afoot in the wilderness here and the world. Undoubtedly he was about us unreliable a source you could get, but the fact he had any interest or involvement? To any outsider, Cutter's "aid" was about as good as calling for a professional psychic to do an object reading; it was out of its fucking mind. But the local folk didn't care, he might be the iconic drunk, but at least he was [i]theirs[/i]. [@Kidd][@RedXCross]