[color=greenyellow][h3][center]Emma[/center][/h3][/color] [@Aurliena Nova] [color=greenyellow]"Y-Yeah, tell me about it,"[/color] Emma panted, rubbing the marks on her arms. Her head drooped slightly. Between all the running and the excessive use of magic she had no idea yet how to control, her usually abundant reserves of energy had burned out. Maia craned her neck, doing puppy-dog eyes at Emma. [i][color=limegreen]"Sorry,"[/color][/i] she whimpered. [color=greenyellow]"It's alright,"[/color] Emma reassured the dragon, reaching down and patting her. [color=greenyellow]"You didn't know."[/color] Maia took a clumsy step forward, looking almost as tired as Darthun. [color=greenyellow]"Come on,"[/color] Emma said, picking up the dragon. It was like holding a heavy bundle of sticks. [color=greenyellow]"We should get some rest."[/color] She headed back towards the castle alongside Eun-mi, her pace considerably slower than before. So that was magic. That was what it could do. She thought of nature's two sides, the nurturing side that gave and sustained life, and the brutal, chaotic side that took it. A shudder ran through her. She spoke the word that opened the doors, making absolutely sure to say it properly, and plodded inside. Apart from the very simplest of spells such as that one, she decided, no more magic until Dr Nidhogg had taught her how to use it.