Having gotten used to the ship in the two weeks aboard Karl had settled into a routine, he would wake before any other members of the group and lean against the railings watching the waves. So when the pirate ship appeared and the fighting began, Karl was at the forefront of the charge. As the boarding planks where placed Karl leaped onto one and sprinted his way to the pirates ship. Karl's long sword was drawn and he neatly parried a slash from one of the pirates blades, knocking the blade aside Karl stabbed the dark elf through the chest, a snarl on the dark elf's face as the blade was withdrawn and he fell dead. Karl continued to cut through a few more pirates before he reached the other side of the ship. Hearing an explosion below decks Karl made his way underneath the first deck of the ship to where the explosion was made. Seeing Xamar looking into the ship Karl, nodded and continued to the lower decks. Upon reaching the next deck, Karl noticed the cells, he was in the ships brig,(prison), sheathing his blade Karl walked towards the end of the ship, inspecting the cells as he went. [@OtomostheCrazy] Upon reaching the last cell Karl saw a dark elf sitting inside. "Hey, what are you in there for? And more importantly who are you?" Karl asked the elf.