[center][h3]Rylen | Dune City - Noon[/h3] [@EWillden][@Heckno12][@Sketcher][@Tangletail] [/center] [hider=Team] [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/larvitar.gif[/img] LV: [17] Ability: Guts Item: N/A Moves: - Bite - Chip Away - Sandstorm - Screech [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/rufflet.gif[/img] LV: [14] Ability: Sheer Force Item: N/A Moves: - Fury Attack - Peck - Hone Claws - Wing Attack [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [list][*] Wallet - 1800P [*]x5 Pokeballs [*]x5 Potions [/list] [/hider] Leo posed a good question... Why? He placed his hand on his chin for awhile, glancing around a bit before coming back to Leo, and just shrugged. [color=orange]"I guess, why not?"[/color], he finally responded. [color=orange]"Besides, we all get lunch out of it, if you have other things to do, you can do them after eating. It's more fun eating in a group after all"[/color], he reasoned. Regardless he won't force him to, he was just hungry. More people helping means easier time.