WIP [center][h1]Alfingar[/h1] [hider=Map Claim][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/veaovl.png[/IMG][/hider] [h2]Overview[/h2][/center] The Alfingar are native to the north-east and have lived here since before the songs of old. They are a humanoid people but with distinctive traits, such as their pointed ears, cat-like eyes and androgynous appearance. A typical adult Alfing is around 160cm tall, weighs 50-60kg and a life expectancy of 80 years. It also has elevated senses in comparison to most other humanoids. The Alfingar believe in balance in all things and are often considered peaceful by other cultures, although few can match their ferocity when provoked. Their main livlihoods include hunting and gathering, and sometimes animal herding and farming. Although the Alfingar tend to keep to themselves, they are not xenophobic or even isolationalist in nature. They interact with other cultures when they must, be it through trade or warfare. They have however not tried to expand their land beyond the valley surrounding the Fejord river since some of the older songs were first sung. The Alfingar are a religious and traditional lot, sporting a pantheon of both domestic and borrowed deities. They have no developed written language and depend on other peoples symbols when the need arises. Most of their records are kept through songs, which are taught from generation to generation in order to preserve history. They also lack any form of official currency, relying on bartering goods for goods instead of Money. Alfing settlements are often small and simple in nature, often consisting of nothing more than yurts but sometimes sporting one or more longhouses. The one settlement that could be described as a town is Logrhus, which lies where the Fejord splits into two. It is here that the First, ruler of all Alfingar, resides. The First is not a queen or king in practice, since it holds no absolute power over the realm, but his or her word is respected above all others. The title is bestowed by a council of elders from all the major families of the realm on an Alfing that has managed to win their favor and meets certain standards in terms of personal deeds and accomplishments. Choosing a First is a long process, and the realm must sometimes endure for years without leadership.