[hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=fdc68a]Kalimay "KK" Khaki[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] [@FateWeaver][@Savo][@Deathsong12] [quote=@Deathsong12][color=2F4F4F] "I'm not yer friend! Get that through yer head!" [/color][/quote] Kalimay seemed completely unfazed by Farrah's protests and equally unfazed by the fact she was now straddling Farrah on the ground, in public. [color=fdc68a]"It's Friend Festival Day! I want fried noodles! And hot buns! And cold buns! And-"[/color] [quote=@FateWeaver] [color=b22222][b]"Do we all get an enthusiastic welcome, or is he special somehow?"[/b][/color] Russet asked from a scant three inches behind KK, one corner of his mouth pulled up in a grin. [/quote] Immediately recognizing the voice of her fellow teammate, and fellow short person; Russet; KK twisted about with a beaming smile. [color=fdc68a]"Rusty!"[/color] With arms outstretched, she made to similarly leap at the boy. However, just as she launched forward her right foot became tangled in Farrah's clothes and instead of colliding with Russet she collided face-first with the ground. [color=fdc68a]"You're just in time!"[/color] She continued speaking as if nothing unusual had happened which, if you knew KK for even a moment, was entirely true for her. Jumping back to her feet without even dusting herself off or addressing the small red mark in the center of her forehead, Kalimay firlmy planted a foot on Farrah's chest and jutted one finger into the air in the same pose she had practiced in the mirror that morning. [color=fdc68a]"Alright, Team Kolorful! Our mission today is to have tons of fun and to become best of bestest friends! We won't give up! We won't surrender! We won't stop for- Oh, wait where's Gray?."[/color] The 'rousing' speech came to an abrupt halt as the young girl realized they were still missing the last member of their troupe.