[quote=@AdamantiumWolf] I'm not even going to try to join this, the idea was interesting and caught my eye but [@Sep] seems to entirely too criticizing at this point, the way you shot down another member was just plain rude and I'm actually pretty disappointed in your response, for someone who's been around for a good amount of time I feel like that could have been handled way differently. "10) D'aww. What a nice aspiration, gonna cry." "2) His names White, what kind of name is that?" If you find that someone's style doesn't fit your rp, you can simply say so without tearing them apart. [/quote] (I should point out I was sincere with the nice aspiration bit) I have seen people take such criticism and churn out really nice sheets before, it's a style I've always adopted I don't beat around the bush. If I don't accept someone I tell them exactly why I don't accept them how else are they supposed to correct any possible issues? I never mean any offense in such reviews, nor do I intend to be rude if people wish to view it as that then that is their own personal choice. [@Heat] and [@Vietmyke] have both been in Roleplays where I've been entrusted to mark sheets before and can both attest that this method works, I did the same thing to [@Boomlover] and he absolutely loves this Roleplay, as does [@LegionPothIX] and I did the same thing to his initial sheet (through the Guild and Discord so it's not all evident on the thread). I'm sad to see you not stick around but at the end of the day that is your choice.