[h1][center][Necro - Denver Alley[/center][/h1] [color=#00b200][b]"Wait a minute, what the fuck is that about medical care? This man tried to shoot me, and he would have killed me if I wasn't-"[/b][/color] Zach paused, skipping a beat before continuing. [color=#00b200][b]"Anyways this filthy ape doesn't deserve medical care. He deserves to die in the street, to be disposed of in the nearest garbage can."[/b][/color] Necro sighed, this kid was an idiot he was sure, righteous idiot the most dangerous kind. Frank lumbered past the kid and gingerly lifted the man with a broken hip. He was as careful as he could be, but a broken hip hurt like hell and the injured thug screamed in agony. Necro ignored Zach's tirade and told the guy with fractured hands that he just needed to take it easy for a couple weeks, no thuggery or he might break his arms for real. During the exchange he head the kid and the stranger yell at each other, and the stranger say something about a spook. Necro sighed again, Derron was supposed to be the sneaky one, [color=lightcoral]"Derron, get back here. Leave the guy alone"[/color] Necro rounded on Zach, [color=lightcoral]"How stupid can you be?"[/color] He didn't give Zach a chance to speak, [color=lightcoral]"do you have any idea what will happen if you go around killing as a Para? The protectorate or the response teams will come down on you like ton of shit. I guarantee that they do not care if you are killing Community thugs or innocents. Ill fight them when the time comes but i dont need some young punk to bring them down on me--"[/color] Necro was going to continue yelling at Zach, but was over taken by a coughing fit again. He hacked up blood onto his gauntlet again. Derron comes out of the shadows and comes to join Necro and Frank. Without a word or even movement from Necro, Derron steps around Frank and helps the guy with cracked arms to his feet. As the coughing fit subsides he glances into the shadows where the other stranger was hiding, [color=lightcoral]"Why dont you come out of the shadows and introduce yourself?"[/color] he then turns to Zach again, [color=lightcoral]"What is your name anyway kid"[/color]