I wasn't a fan of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I am a huge self professed Star Wars fan, but TFA is probably my least favorite of the 7 films. The music was not memorable, the worlds had no feel to them, I don't remember any of the new alien species they introduced in it. Jakku seems like a knockoff Tatooine, you have no connection to the world that gets blown up by the Starkiller Base (which is pretty much Death Star 3.0, with a bit more power) and there's no new ship designs. It's TIE fighters and X-Wings all over again. TFA didn't bring anything new to the table, if anything it made me look at the prequels better. At least Lucas tried to do some different things with that trilogy, even if the prequels are very flawed, they're much different from the original trilogy. The best thing they did was expand the universe, TFA didn't do that. I will admit TFA is the better made film than any of three prequels, the direction is better, the dialogue is far superior to the prequels and the cast of it seem like quality actors. I'm still looking forward to Episode 8, I just hope it tries to be its own film more than a rehash of a classic.