[hider=Aelar Starseeker] Name : Aelar Starseeker Race : Half elf(Human father) Gender : Male Age: 22 Appearance: [hider][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/1xyno0.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2yyt85e.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Aelar is neither exceptionally tall nor muscular at the height of 1.9 meters (about 6’ 2”) and the weight of 90kg (about 200lbs.). He has short relatively unkempt black hair crowning his head. A square jaw and prominent nose are quickly noticed, but are even more quickly ignored on seeing his unusual silver-gray irises. His elvish blood is noticeable in his pointed ears. He inherited his tan skin from his father. Fur Color ( only if Kil'garen ) : Eye color : Silver-Gray Height : 6' 2" Predisposition to Non-Magi : He views Non-Magi as he does any Magi. His views are determined on a case by case basis as he knows not all Non-Magi are bad and that not all Magi are good. Spells ( be creative here and remember that a race may only learn magic from only one Magic school ) ( 2 simple spells and 1 complex ( you need to have a good reason to know this spell and not be sent to the Death Row ) ) : Rejuvenate - a basic life spell that helps the target heal while also helping reduce fatigue. This is the first spell he was allowed to learn as his job was to be a medic in case of someone getting injured. His second spell Nature Sense allows him to enhance his senses using plant and animals within a short radius, this spell was allowed because he convinced the guards it would help him when giving treatment. However he used this spell to observe some of the guards training with weapons,primarily swords( many of the people he treated were guards who were injured while training which is how he was able to be near the training field). History ( all the Magi are sent to the Citadel since they are born so here you should write stuff like...how he/she likes the place ( even if it's a prison ) or things like this ) : Aelar finds the Citadel to be a cage seeing his magic abilities to be both a blessing and a curse. He has always wanted to see the outside world and yearns for adventure. He read any and all books he was allowed to, so that he could learn more. He would watch the guards training and would secretly practice on his own with anything he could get his hands on. He was very careful about his secret training but he was still eventually caught. When the guards found him he had been practicing sword skills they recognized this and he was immediately sentenced to death row which is where he is as the story begins. Personality: Aelar is outgoing, and will even try to make friends with those who do not like him or have wronged him. However he is not naive as he has had quite a bit of experience with people, mostly the guards and other magi of course. He is straightforward but not tactless; he knows some things shouldn’t be said. He is extremely loyal to his allies and vicious towards those who threaten them. Notes ( things purely for story ) : [/hider]