[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjI0YWFmMC5WMlZpYzNSbGNpQklZVzFwYkhSdmJnLCwuMAAA/ancient-geek.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/309ce6913d7c8343d9b79ea25cc70b87/tumblr_inline_o4h4hwvYDY1sn95bh_500.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/5e21d86fcba89509d4f8c22e2478d125/tumblr_inline_o4h4hzXgsT1sn95bh_500.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/5a2664575647b57975cb75016a9ad026/tumblr_inline_o4h4gihUzQ1sn95bh_500.gif[/img] [b][color=deepskyblue]Location[/color][/b]: Obstacle Tower [b][color=deepskyblue]Interacting With[/color][/b]: Those around him[/center][hr][hr] Webster had a habit of waking up long before anyone else in his cabin. Not everyday, because there were days where the son of Athena desperately needed to be sleeping until everyone else absolutely needed him, but some days he enjoyed being the first to open their eyes. He loved listening to the quiet of the camp in the morning, watching the sun rise and hit the water on the lake just right. How he functioned so smoothly was beyond the comprehension of many, seeing as how he would often times be awake late into the night, reading or working on some new project of his. Today was definitely one of those days. After brewing a cup of coffee for himself he took a moment to look out over the cabin, sitting on the front porch of Cabin Seven, laptop resting on his knees while he sipped from his mug, watching the camp come to life. As he sat he continued working on a project he'd been in the midst of for some time now, a redesign of a building in New Rome. He'd been working on the project with Annabeth, her being his mentor of sorts when it came to architecture, and by the time the camp was fully awake, he was sending it off to her, so that she could critique the blueprints. When it came time for the Obstacle Tower, Webster geared up, ready to at least attempt to beat Ky' vie. He knew very well that the odds were slim. If Ky' vie didn't win, chances are Elena or that prick Deon would. But, like he always told the newbies at camp, [b][color=deepskyblue]"Trying and failing teaches you more than failing to try ever could."[/color][/b] Webster hated inspirational bull shit like that, but for some odd reason, that quote had always stuck with him. Maybe because it was how he'd gotten to where he was. He wouldn't be anyone of any importance at this camp had he not trained, day in and day out. Despite his complete lack of faith in his chances of winning, Webster rushed forward, but not before taking the time to calculate his risks. Staring at the tower, the world seemed to slow down as he timed the spinning of the beast, noting the pitfalls he was likely to encounter on his way to the top. His strategy in mind, Webster raced forward, jumping over the spinning bar of doom, and beginning his climb to the top. [i][b][color=deepskyblue]Just don't get thrown off by Deon. Okay, that's petty as hell, but just don't do it Webster. It won't lend any credence to you're whole thing about being better than him.[/color][/b][/i]