[quote=@Draken] I don't think he has, but I believe the OP mentions the possibility for later, and that people are welcome to submit in anticipation of that. [s]Do you really think all our characters are gonna survive this?[/s] [/quote] At the time I applied it was not open, but there were exceptions considered for a number of positions. I remember [@sep] talking about the slew of people that applied the first time, but didn't apply this time; and that he thought more people from the first game would be back this time. At any time if you're unsure of a thread is open, you can check the main board which shows it's status. [img]http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c207/LegionPothIX/NTB_zpshvasfwdq.png[/img] Our present status no longer closed. As [@RedLeather] mentions, it was changed to apply (which I assume is what happens when it's open). [hr] [hider=shiney~][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaW1nMDMuZGV2aWFudGFydC5uZXQvMDcxOC9pLzIwMTQvMDQ3LzcvNi9zY2lfZmlfaW50ZXJpb3JfYnlfYmx1ZXJvZ3VldnlzZS1kNzZxNHB5LmpwZyJ9.4SQBVSYpcwxQZfWpPWE5hm3f8_c[/img][/hider] [@Sep] please tell me what this beautiful bastard is so I know how to RP being around it.