[hr] [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/KA8KJjs.png[/img] [color=silver][b][h1]Sill Vernol[/h1][/b][/color][/centre] [hr] [color=Gray] Things can get quite boring, as Sill had found out, when you were an independent imbecile who had no initiative to find the people he knew. But to him, what was the point? He'd get lost, and then it would just be more difficult to find them. Indeed, he did want them to be around him, definitely. He could only want to connect with them more, if he had the chance. Sill lusted for getting to know them, despite him knowing them for weeks, and actually cracking down on their true personalities. It was not fun being around on his own and mumbling to himself. Well, even being with someone can be quite discomforting.[/color] [color=0054a6][b]"Ey lad...You know where the nearest toilets are?"[/b][/color] [color=gray]A far more mature, outgrown voice cracked through his personal silence. It clearly was not a student, for anyone with that low of a voice must've been upper-cut by Puberty hard. Sill actually bothering to make eye contact to this stranger, he saw the [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/e8d6/f/2013/093/5/b/snake___iroquois_pliskin_by_mohiniel-d60an8q.png]figure[/url]. A tall, brawny man. Dressed in some sort of Militarised Hunter outfitting, he stood at around the same height as Sill himself, perhaps slightly taller. Brown hair, lengthy. Well...More inbetween brown and blonde. He didn't look aged, but Sill's guess would've been at around 34 years...Someone in those 30s. He had many pouches in his harness, much like how Sill would have in his, but only more strengthened. Best bet would be a hunter.[/color] [color=silver][b]"Oh...Toilets...Uhh...I believe there are some by the lane's information kiosk? Though it might be a bit packed soon considering how many people are filling themselves with the over-priced food and all."[/b][/color] [color=0054a6][b]"Aha! Thanks lad. Knew they're nearby. Can't trust your instincts always with these large crowds, can y'u?"[/b][/color] [color=gray]He chuckled in a very low, raspy chuckle. Though as it sounded low and intimidating, it suited him well considering his attire, appearance and physique. Sill knew that his team were going to take their time, so why couldn't he take his own time to build up on those conversational skills? He can't just limit himself to one team as his source of socialising, can he?[/color] [color=0054a6][b]"My best bet is that in a few days, the whole crowding will die down. Can't trust it to maintain at this level of intensity."[/b][/color] [color=Silver][b]"You might be right, you might be wrong. I see a lot of general activity dying down in certain areas, but it's good for the salesmen and booths here, right?"[/b][/color] [color=gray]Sill was perfectly capable of talking to people, of course. He just usually didn't because people never talked to him. It was more of a fair way, to him. Why strike up unwanted talk?[/color] [color=0054a6][b]"Ahhh...Sheer havoc on my end, right now. I'm supposed to be here for business enquiries, but why do that when I can take the time to appreciate the area around me and sell some good old fashioned materials and stuff. Run that stand by the lane's corner. Selling those old weapons and artefacts that I collected over my old adventures. Well I say old...Still got enough in me."[/b][/color] [color=gray] The two kept up the conversation for the next half-hour. Sill still had time to kill whilst waiting for his team, so why not just talk to the man talking to him. He would go on about his days as a Hunter. He trained and taught apparently at Illuminate, obviously speaking for his age, and only left to pursue his dreams as a Hunter, rather than the tutor. Fought loads, travelled a lot. He was an inspiring man, when it came to his wording. He knew exactly what to say, and how to captivate you. It was almost like he persuaded and story-told for a living, rather than killed Grimm. What a man, what a man. In return, Sill would tell him his aspirations, his successes so far in Illuminate. If this was going to happen often at the festival, he might as well introduce him to the team. That would be if they ever turned up in time for that.[/color] [color=silver][b]"Uhh...Well, sir? Might I ask for your attire's reasoning? It just seemed a little bit peculiar and simple, if that is hypocritical of me."[/b][/color] [color=gray]If only Marianne was here to see him...No doubt she'd be somewhat surprised at his sudden urge to speak. At least he hoped she was proud of him, she and her team never really showed that much pride in his actions. This man didn't seem too deniable of his actions, which gave him that sort of fuzzy feeling when you've done something correct.[/color] [color=0054a6][b]"Oh this? Well seeing as I am still an independent hunter...I like to keep myself in something basic, but practical. Don't want to confuse or recognise me as someone else."[/b][/color] [color=gray]After the agreement, the two shared a handshake, giving each other a farewell.[/color] [color=0054a6][b]"I should get going...Nice to have a bit of R&R and a chat, I guess. Oh, and if you ever see me again, be sure to not call me Sir...I prefer being called by my name, future-hunter. Just say the magic word, Seb. And don't forget those offers I gave out."[/b][/color] [color=gray]After raising half of his face for a grin, he smirked directly at him before wandering off back into the crowd. The offers of which he spoke were training sessions, or at least a seminar of what to do to excel. For someone he just met, it all seemed a bit too much, but in the future it could prove to be more than useful. But it was not his decision. It was his teams...Who when present would get the question...Hopefully though, he was not seen talking to someone with such confidence . It may seem a bit odd...[/color]