Name:Jackson Spadicc Age:23 Looks (picture optional):[img][/img] Personality:Jackson Is an Loose cannon, who is a loyal Companion, Sarcastic at times. Faction:Brotherhood Outcasts S.P.E.C.I.A.L (42 Points spread wisely. Cannot go over 10 on any one stat) Strength:5 Perception:5 Endurance:5 Charisma:10 Intelligence:5 Agility:5 Luck:5 Backstory:Jackson is a third generation on whom emerged from vault 101, where he'd found the BOS, And joined in their ranks, making it to Knight once he decided it was enough and left now he seeks to find himself again. Weapon choice:The Gainer /.44 pistol Anything else not included above: Relationships:NA atm