[center][color=goldenrod]♣ [b]Anise Purcell • 6th of Clubs • The Soldier's Arm[/b] ♣[/color] [sup][color=FF0E20][b]HP: 12/12[/b][/color] [color=17758D]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 12/12[/color] [color=17758D]||[/color][color=gold] 109 GP [/color][color=17758D]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] * No Condition *[/sup] [h3]Prime District Entrance. [color=17758D]||[/color] Handling an oddly peppy girl[color=17758D]||[/color] A little apprehensive, but collected.[/h3][/center] [hr] Anise was impressed by the turnout of new students, much more than she expected that's for sure, but she didn't mind the crowd although admittedly it was annoying to push through clumps of bodies. A light breeze kicked up which was more than able to cut through her relatively light clothing, that being a white tunic and pants with a study pair of boots to match. There wasn't anything else she wanted to do really while looking around, sure she could mingle with a few of the other students, maybe even try to find a familiar face, just she didn't see a point in wasting the time. So in light of all that she decided to head straight to the entrance proper, of course Anise was definitely feeling nervous, especially when she was finally standing at the gate itself, but she was still very well in control. She came forward to a brown haired girl, hair tied up in a pair of pigtails. Anise quickly figured out that pigtail girl was probably a steward, the clipboard was a fairly obvious giveaway. She dropped her single, lightly packed bag onto the ground, then knelt down to retrieve her papers from it. The upbeat girl was nosedeep in her clipboard when Anise approached. It seemed she'd just checked off something on her list when she realised she had company, her long brown pigtails bouncing as she looked up at you with bright, saucer-like eyes. [color=hotpink]"Well hey there! Here to be initiated, huh? By the way, I LOVE what you're wearing, very combat-chic."[/color] she enthused, putting her clipboard down as she reached for your bags and papers. [color=hotpink]"What's your name, sweetie?[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Anise Purcell of The Soldier's Arm."[/color] Anise responded, holding out her papers to the steward, while also trying to silently brush off that comment about her clothes. [color=hotpink]"Nice to meetcha, Anise. I'm sure you'll fit in well here."[/color] she took the papers and scanned through them, humming an upbeat little ditty all the while. Finding whatever it was she was looking for, she switched to rummaging through the girl's luggage. [color=hotpink]"Looking forward to your first term?"[/color] she asked, glancing up as she worked. [color=hotpink]"Got quite a few cuties coming through this year. You'll have your work cut out for you fending them off."[/color] the steward giggled with a wink, dropping a gaze as she rifled through the rations and passed the compass in search of any sort of contraband. Anise slightly averted her gaze finding the girl's questions and honestly just her general attitude to be slightly off putting. [color=goldenrod]"I suppose, I am ready to continue my training, and I know this is the perfect place for that... and um, I think I'll be fine there."[/color] She absolutely knew what the steward what getting at, and well chasing after some guy was at the very, very bottom of her priorities. Anise continued watching the brown haired girl shift through the bag's belongings, however she expected it wouldn't take very long at all given how little there was even packed in the first place. [color=hotpink]"Awwh shucks, you don't have anything fun in here."[/color] the girl said, handing the bag back as she listened to what Anise had to say.[color=hotpink]"Well yeah, this is the best place for your training, but it's got lots of other stuff going on as well."[/color] She leaned in and took the girl's hand, waving her own across the back of it. The mark of the In Training students appeared there, more vivid then a tattoo but without the pain. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BP78D5H.png[/img][/center] [color=hotpink]"There you go, you are an official member of the Spire! Woo! That little baby will be your quickest form of identification around the Prime District, as well as your ticket in and out of your dorm room... if it's a decent one. Anyway! Look at me running my mouth. I'll let you get back to settling in."[/color] For a brief moment she drew in and whispered in a voice only Anise could hear, "[color=hotpink]Speaking of settling in, I popped something into your bag to take the edge of your first day. Loosen up a little! These are the BEST years of your life. When you're not, like, getting wounded on a mission or something. Anyway, the point is, enjoy it!"[/color] Before Anise had the chance to return the mysterious item the girl had given her, she had swept up her clipboard and was already attending to the next student in the queue. [center][b]Gain UNKNOWN: [color=hotpink]Ingestible pink capsule.[/color][/b] to add to your Trinkets.[/center] Anise didn't like the sound of that, there was something definitely off with the steward, but... maybe it was just her imagination, no she actually really didn't trust pigtails. Well at least she was cleared to go in, and first things first she should find her way to the dorms. That would be a good idea.