[center][color=Lightblue][h1]Charlie Cedar[/h1] [h3]Unknown[/h3][/color][/center] [@Otomosthecrazy] "You don't happen to have a Pokénav, do you?" [color=Lightblue]"Actually. I think I..."[/color] Charlie pulled out a soaking wet Pokénav out of his pocket, water gushing out when he opened it. [color=Lightblue]"Do. Well I officially have no clue what to do. We're stuck on some random island... Almost died, and... What's that?"[/color] He pointed to a shine among the trees. He started to run along the coastline, trying to see through the trees better, and then he saw it in clear view; a silver antenna poking through the tree line. [color=Lightblue]"C'mon."[/color]