[h2]Arsenal - Denver Alley[/h2] Arsenal eyed the poorly hidden figure, the henchman called Derron slinking out of the shadows to obediently scurry away towards his master. This allowed Arsenal to further scan the area for any advantages that he could exploit during the supposed fight, the alleyway seemed to be mostly void of objects besides the broken shards of glass and litter that covered the dank floor. And there was still the problem of trying to fight against four strangers, each that could have some power that could overwhelm him with their numbers. He grumbled, there was nothing that he could do that wouldn't cause such a disadvantage for him during a fight, but an opportunity seemed to appear before the opportunistic gunslinger. Something that could possibly turn this four enemies into one enemy and a possible ally. It was the argument that was going between the two, each had two differing opinions upon the value of life for the common thug. The apparent parahuman wanted them dead on the scene, yet Necro wanted to save these low life scum to avoid the glaring gaze of the super powered heroes of the PRT and Protectorate. Necro's objective was self serving in the end, but Arsenal could use the conviction of the apparent superhuman boy to his advantage. It was obvious that he despised the actions that Necro was performing, and that ice cold tone within his voice stated that he hated Necro as a person with a boiling aggression. At this point, Arsenal was going to try to use the aggression of the parahuman to attack Necro while trying to get the attention of the PRT with the ensuing fight. So, his great plan started, let's see if it works. Arsenal left his shaded spot, allowing the full light to shine upon his costume. With an astute ear, one could hear the jingling and scraping of metal as he walked into the limelight. "I have to agree with the young spark here, there ain't no point in using the resources to save these common thugs," Bill stated, a light whirring sound emanating from under his poncho, "Unless these are your thugs Mr. Necro. You be trying to buy more time with the whole nice guy act to keep us in place, and all the while more of your shadowy henchmen will gather up upon us and jump us in this here dark alleyway." Arsenal smiled under his mask, vilifying someone was easy given enough information, but with your costume carrying bleached white bones and minions hiding under the shadows made things way more easier. However, it was time to act on the daring plan, bullets were suddenly flying through the air! Arsenal had fired his guns under his poncho, tearing holes in the cloth, but the bullets zoomed towards henchmen carrying the rather unlucky thugs. "The names Arsenal, the newest addition to the heroes!" Bill directed towards the unnamed kid, "Let's take down this villain together."