[@Caits] [center][h2][color=ff9966] Tsura Eisenhardt[/color][/h2] [url= http://cdn-imageresize.mocospace.com/servlet/ImageResizeServlet?as=t&q=8&cd=-1&cq=.75&pj=t&w=480&h=480&f=photoalbum_500413235_user42227160-1-jpg.jpg]Picture[/url] [/center] Tsura laughed softly then altered her Photonic properties to radiate in spectrum of colors meant to encourage the growth of plants as outlined by Doctor Ott a man who's approach to light was fascinating to her. [color=ff9966]"If I knew you sexual identity or desire I'd filter the light to a finer degree for you. I suppose we could work out a nonverbal method to communicate your preferences"[/color] she says refering to a man who started off life as a Banker interested in time-lapse photography. [color=ff9966]"Hello Phoebe"[/color] she says addressing the girl she met earlier that day