There was no reply to Piper's remark about the relation and either the fairly gritty outsider did not find it funny or he wanted nothing to do with the association. All the same, it wasn't appreciated or even acknowledged in his expression, of which seemed to frown for the first time; the woman could almost feel the narrowing of his brow, but the sickness in her stomach got the better of her between the two. Carver's expression relaxed for a moment, briefly at that, as it was far from long lived as Piper snapped about and demanded her accompaniment. This strange man seemed as if he were expecting it, which while as odd as that could come off, it fit her character at this point; impulsive, commanding, hotheaded. She quickly backpedalled in the conversation, almost seeming to shrink for a moment from her previously clenched fists and internal shaking. The outsider, to this and probably her surprise, only gave the same sort of silent nod he had when she first acknowledged him today. "You're a local and not some old kook either. If I am to do my job, I need information. You get me the things I want to know about, I get you involved in this." The man remarked with a strikingly calm, collected demeanor about what sounded like a shady operation. Certainly no local or federal representative, that much could be sure. If anything the man was a hard customer type investigator, probably hired by one of the families in the area that lost someone to these wolves. That much he fit the bill for between being built and dressed as he was. His trustworthiness however seemed... fair, maybe debatable, but reliable enough. There wasn't a doubt to be had about any further options to his offer either as he peered back from his dark sunglasses. There wasn't money to be made in this deal for the woman, not in the slightest, but he might offer insight - maybe even closure. He spoke, once more; "You go outside of me about this with anyone, it's off." The man preyed off the cues he could scrounge up from the woman's overt interest, looking into the depths of her eyes, reading her emotional investment, her pathing dialogue. Carver even then refused to deny what he was doing in the way he handled the conversation the two had going. "That work for you?" [@Kidd][@RedXCross]