[quote=@vietmyke] [@LegionPothIX], technically the 'Commander, Air Group' (CAG) would outrank everyone on the Vitae short of the Admiral and maybe Colonel Anderson- so I doubt he'd bend or be so accepting of such casual orders. It has always been a point of contention between officers and enlisted. While Calhound has more experience, technically even Hawkins out ranks him. Though young'ns like Hawkins will most likely defer to a veteran enlisted man's authority when push comes to shove. The CAG would most likely appreciate Calhound's technical expertise and dispatch crew to do as he recommends though. Also also, the T-22s the strike pilots fly don't have shields... So I dunno if that puts a damper on Calhound's plans, or if the pilots just need to be careful. And damn you! Taking my dogfight away from me lolol [/quote] I didn't know what CAG stood for, and I'll make changes accordingly. As for the casual orders, he never actually answered them, but I'll review how you write him and see what I can do. I wanted it to read like Xaith was telling the CAG officer what he wants to do, ad then that officer is translating it into actually useful information for his teams. As for the dogfight, it wasn't my intent to take it away, I just wanted to change the venue a little from the emptiness of space to something a little more close to home. :) Hell, you could still have your dog-fight, but with the added tension of having to protect a couple more ships. As for the shields, yeah, that does put a damper on the plan.