Please do not post here. I wish to organize the accepted characters myself. [hider=Characters] Cayden Black's character [hider=John Carter] Name: John Carter Age: 43 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Images][img][/img] Civilian Style [img][/img] Miltary Attire[/hider] Gear: No unusual Equipment. Abilities: Uncanny resilience and a good understanding of the MECH systems he pilots due to experience. He may be considered valiant, but John just see's himself as another soldier. Personality: Strong silent type is not quite an accurate description for John. He's mellowed over the years due to skirmishes and the odd 'private war' between companies. He's made friends, and lost them, but he keeps going. Even with his experience leading men, John prefers to just do a job than give it. History: Carter has been in skirmishes most of his adult life. After becoming a private in KRUPPS, a German company that focused on producing machinery of all sorts, Carter soon found himself in private wars against other small earth bound factions, some of his most notable battles being the 'Alps Dispute' over Alpine mining contracts that exploded into a small break off attempt by angry populace. His military service indicates that he lead a small group to penetrate enemy lines and neutralized their artillery. To John, it was the day he watched half his friends get killed. Back then most of the KRUPPS mechanized Armour were little more than tanks on legs, yet he was able to not only operate one without training but place the luckiest of shots on an exposed munitions cart that initiated the chain reaction which destroyed the artillery emplacements. [img][/img] After the incident Krupps landed with favoured security contracts, and Michael eventually became a part time test pilot for Armoured units, giving feedback on his experiences with KRUPPS designs and how well they performed in military scenarios, while maintaining his duties for skirmish operations. In that time he did manage to settle down for a time and even have a son, but it was a short lived dream for John. After another Caste Riot he was informed that his wife had been killed in a terror attack, and that his son was now living with his grand parents while Carter was on operation duty. In this time he did was he could to stay focused, turning from a somewhat typical soldier to a more quiet and reserved figure. The final tragedy was his falling out with his son Dominic, who had decided to join a private firm himself as his father had. The fight went on for weeks until the two just stopped talking. John hasn't heard from his since, and that was 3 years ago. Extras: John does carry an aged photograph of a young woman and a child with faded writing on the back.[/hider] [hider=Panzer Jaeger] Name: PANZER JAEGER XVIII/C Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 21ft Weight: 68 Tonnes History and Development: Jaeger XVIII, or just Hunter by most in the field, was a development by KRUPPS to counter enemy light units on the field. The Original design featured a back mounted 88mm twin cannon but the inertia from firing caused significant damage to the frame and was thus removed on the first models. A variants, the first to be produced, were armed with standard armour piercing vulcan rounds on an internal housed chain fed rota cannon fitting onto the left arm, with a single use missile launcher to long strikes against aircraft. B variants were later adjusted with a grenade launcher module instead and the back mounted cannon was re introduced, but the 88MM guns were down graded to a more functional twin firing 40MM self loading Anti Tank system, with the need to remain in a starting race position to brace during firing. If the unit were to remain standing, the suit would topple itself from the force. C Variants tried to become the jack of all trades system. Retaining the grenade launcher of the B Variant but having numerous additions made to the overall performance. In short, the C variant got a much needed face lift. The Hunter has now been serving in skirmish and patrol duties for over 9 years and is still going strong as a mainstay Mech. Weapons and Equipment: Twin belt fed Vulcan Cannons with Anti-armour/tracer rounds featuring both primary and reserve magazines giving a total of 92 seconds full auto before ammunition expenditure. Grenade Launcher with duel fed barrel system for two firing modes, High Explosive and Fragmentation with 12 rounds for each type. The back mounted system is a 55MM self loading Anti Armour piece, but only has the one barrel and no reserve systems along with only 6 rounds/1 clip before ammunition expenditure. The Jaeger is plated in 240mm thick plating, with CHOBHAM Armour on vital sections of the frame. Limbs are easily removed for maintenance and replacement for rapid repairs on field deployments. Jaegers are also built with a small power unit aside from the Monthian Reactor, allowing weapons to still function in the event of a power failure. The suit will only function for approximately 3 minutes in such an occurrence and can not move. Giving pilots vital time to set an auto firing system and evacuate the suit. [/hider] Cultural Titan's Character [hider=Garret Taylor] Name: Garret Taylor Veerol Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Garret is slightly short standing at five feet and nine inches tall. He has brown hair that sort of domes down to around the tops of his eyes. His face is round, he’d say pudgy, and clean shaven. His casual attire is a mix of red and black clothes either made of plastics or light cloth. For piloting the Tempest he wears a company issue form fitting suit in Monthas yellow with the company raven emblazoned on the chest. Gear: N/A Abilities: A good, but untested pilot. He has not been allowed to pursue much else of note. Personality: Some would Say Garret is too hard on himself. Garret would say he’s just being honest about his abilities, thoughts and actions. He strives to get better in his life, but on exactly what can sometimes get muddled in his desire to correct all of his deficiencies. Socially he is more reserved around new people preferring to analyze them first, but is quite capable of being boisterous and outspoken when he feels comfortable. Even if it’s the completely inappropriate. History: Garret grew up as a lower class citizen in a mining village. The mechanical frames that his family and the rest of the community relied upon for their livelihoods fascinated the young boy and drove him to learn as much about them as he could, both their civilian and older military roles. He wasn't aware of it at the time, but a rebel group was gathering weapons and supplies nearby. Around the age of ten a Monthas group with aid from several nearby security agencies descended upon the mining site and began destroying everything indiscriminately to draw out the rebels and bury any evidence of their existence. Soon after a battle broke out as the rebels got to their own machines and fought back. It lasted for hours, but to Garret it felt like years as he hid in the rubble of what used to be his home. Eventually the shooting did stop and Monthas personnel looked for survivors for execution, but Garret was fortunate that he was discovered by the young Dr. Veerol. A scientist in Monthas R&D. Veerol gave the boy one look over and saved him from execution by adopting him into the Veerol Family. Since then he's been formally educated and allowed to express his love for mechanical frames. Its fortunate that Garret wants it as Veerol would force it on him otherwise, having saved him mostly to be used as a mentally malleable test pilot. Extras: N/A [/hider] [hider=Tempest] Name: Tempest Appearance: The Tempest stands 20 feet tall yellow machine with interspersed red armor pieces and red highlights with angled armor. Notably from standard designs are the mechanical frame's right forearm a giant cylinder made to house its primary weapon that extends forward proportionately, but extends back behind the elbow considerably. Instead of ending in a hand the arm ends in three long deadly clawed fingers arrayed around the barrel of the cannon. On its back it has a backpack of sorts containing its primary jump jets, but this is pushed farther down the back than expected to make room for a bulge behind the shoulders containing the new twin monthian reactor. Height: 6.1 m Weight: 12 tons History and Development: The tempest project is an attempt by the Monthas Corporation to develop energy weapons for their line of external Mechanical frame weapons.. However early into the project it became apparent that the weapons would need a specialized machine for housing of the weapon itself. At least for its early prototypes. The lead scientist, Dr. Veerol, pushed to make the gun more and more powerful to the point it actually drew more power at a time than a single reactor could handle and twin reactor was developed specifically for this purpose. The whole system proved to be a significant monetary investment so to protect it the team splurged for special armor for the reactor and energy cannon to protect them. Weapons and Equipment: The primary armament of the tempest is the Fulmine cannon, a brutish energy weapon that fires raw energy in a long beam that pierces armor. Because of its energy requirements it can only be fired once every 15 seconds and only five times before the capacitors are burned out. Secondary equipment includes a 6 barreled rocket launcher over the left shoulder and a Monthas high capacity sub machine gun in the left hand. Due to the nature of the Tempest’s other arm this weapon cannot be reloaded in the middle of combat. For close quarters the Tempest relies on its claws to try and crush and pierce armor. The armor of the Tempest is average except around the Fulmine Cannon and the twin monthian reactor, which is particularly well protected by a rare lightweight armor. The Tempest, like its armor, is of average maneuverability, but its EHPS allows it to make short dashes and long jumps. [/hider] GreenGoat's character [hider=Clarence Belle] Name: Clarence Belle Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Gear: Her pilot uniform, which consists of a tight leotard with circuits embedded in it, skirts and other accessories to mimic a highly stylized Japanese school uniform. Abilities: Clarence is mostly skilled in close quarters combat, due to the nature of the machine she pilots. Other than that, her most prominent skills is her acrobatics, dancing and singing, plus her ability to balance and juggle objects. Personality: Bright and cheerful was words most apt to describe her, both qualities the reason why the Corp did not simply abduct her to brainwash her into her training. Instead she was allowed to stay with her family and friends to develop a healthy psyche while they train her at their leisure. Friendly and stable, Clarence was unlikely to have a sudden burst of emotion, making her easier to control. However, her sense of reason was a little skewed, as she tends to take unreasonable risks at times, having a bit of a devil may cry attitude to her when she senses she might get lucky if she took a bit of risk. Clarence did resent the corp for essentially taking away her future and dreams, but since she was earning an inordinate amount of money she had put that feeling aside for her family's sake. History: Due to the nature of the machine frame they were building, Nexus Corp decided to take a young middle class girl at an early age, and train them rigorously to become the pilot of the machine they were building, fondly nicknamed as Luna Fighter. That girl was, of course, Clarence. Thus, juggling time between school, her private life, and her expected training. To achieve the desired effect Nexus Corp want, her free time was mostly taken up with therapy, conditioning and tests, with designated empty time blocks she could spend doing anything she wanted. It was not a bad deal, for she and her family was being paid well by the Corp, though everything was hush hush to prevent information leaking to their competitions. After she graduated school, the Corp waited a few months to make it seem like it was done on a whim, before hiring her to pilot their newest machine. Of course, there was some criticisms due to the machine looking less than reliable, and them hiring what seemed to be a completely green pilot, but it was nothing the Corp was concerned about. To fool the enemy, sometimes one must fool even their allies after all. Extras:N/A [/hider] [hider=Luna Fighter] Name:Luna Fighter Appearance: [img][/img] [hider=Front View] [img][/img] [/hider] Height: 8m Weight: Around 18 metric ton History and Development: It began, at first, as a sketch of a cockpit, a revolutionary idea that would lessen the space needed for the pilot and lessen the gap between input and reaction in the controls. As it went on, they took in a young girl to test out the system, piloting a rudimentary robot placed across the room. From there the design exploded into what became of the Luna Fighter today. The cockpit was revamped into a small cylinder, in which the pilot will stand. A tactile reaction unit(fancy word for skintight pilot suits that has chips in it) would then interface with the cockpit, bringing in sensory stimuli from the outside. The cockpit itself has just enough room in it for the pilot to be able to do a full range of motion, and the pilot was tethered to the middle and submerged in liquid to prevent injury and control malfunctions. The frame itself was designed to look cute and girly, something rather out of place in the rather manly competition it was meant for, to deliberately evoke ridicule and scorn from other competitors, thus theoretically lowering their guards against it. To further strengthen that illusion, they had took in Clarence and designed the pilot outfit with that in mind. In short, the competition was going to be their live testing ground. And if it does well, they may even generate demand for their patented cockpits with it. Weapons and Equipment: The head has twin machineguns intergrated into it, though it was unlikely to pierce enemy armor. Its use is mainly for shooting out weakpoints or as a distraction. Also has a short sword with a retractable blade and a ballistic pistol hidden under its 'skirt'. Its main features however, are its superior verniers and servo systems, enhancing the mech's speed as well as smoothing out it's movements. Typical for a mech designed to fight in close quarters. [/hider] Sophrus' Character [hider=Nicolai Astrovia] Name: Nicolai Astrovia Age: 26 Gender: M Appearance: [img][/img] Gear: Battle harness (chest plate used to secure Nicolai into the Mech) Combat Helmet (Protect the pilot's head and neck from injury and provide a detailed HUD with Aim assist systems, vision systems Infrared+low light, and radar systems) Rebreather (ensures safe supply of air for up to 2 hours in the event of toxic fumes or smoke) Abilities: Well trained in heavy assault tactics and medium-short range combat, utilizing sustained bombardment of gunfire and missiles to pummel his target into submission. Personality: Nicolai is an aggressive tank of a man, happy in the thick of mech combat or in a bar room brawl. He is rowdy and will stir up trouble whenever he can, but he is most at home in the Atlas mech suit, shrugging off damage and savaging the enemy with bullets. History: Nicolai was a junior mech pilot working security for the Nexus corp. He joined fresh out of school and patrolled R&D hangars at the Nexus corp HQ to ensure that they where not attacked or sabotaged. The work was well paying but quite dull, he decided to have a change in career and joined the Hell Hounds Mercenary group. A tiny corporation by comparison, but they managed to farm out security and the occasional black ops assault jobs. The Hell Hounds quickly earned a name for themselves both in the combat games and in the field where Nicolai also earned his stripes with them. While the Hounds where still a small corp they where rapidly expanding as one of the go-to security companies if a corporation couldn't afford their own security Mechs, pilots, and training. Nicolai earned an accommodation while protecting some small corporation's assets. he was at a warehouse that was attacked by a pair of light black op mechs, the lightly armed and armored mechs where not prepared for the Atlas and where quickly dispatched. This event earned Nicolai a promotion as well, making him the Hell Hound's pilot in the arena. A veteran of combat missions, but a fresh face in the arena. [/hider] [hider=Atlas] Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 18ft Weight: ~60 tons fully loaded History and Development: The Atlas MK-IV was designed by the Hell Hounds Mercenary Corp specifically to run guard and assault operations, the Hell Hounds primary role. The Atlas does not have terribly impressive firepower but can survive combat that would leave most mechs in a heap of flaming wreckage. The idea began as a simple heavy mech with everything except a gun stripped down to make room for armor. As the armor evolved the Mech was scaled up and built bigger and tougher. the MK-IV was the final iteration of the mech, reaching an elegant simplicity that worked well in all situations. With the development of an extremely durable alloy it made an excellent front line battle mech that could protect the more vulerable artillery from everything but the most serious assaults. The Atlas for the arena was also equiped with several minor enhancements such as speed boosters, UAV, and higher yield missiles. Weapons and Equipment: MRM 5 rocket pod x2 - Medium range missiles with lock on, fires 5 High yield missiles per salvo (10 salvo capacity) Rotary cannons x2 - Large caliber belt fed guns with high rate of fire and armor piercing ammo. Endo-Steel Armor - the Atlas is extremely heavily armored with a special alloy developed for this mech, it is capable of surviving severe bombardments of damage. 200mm Endo-Steel Plates make up the primary body armor. Radar Short fire boosters - thrusters that give the heavy mech some limited mobility UAV assist - Launces a small UAV with radar and thermal imaging to aid the pilot in situational awareness [/Hider] Urbanliner's character [hider=Brian Archer] Name: Brian Archer Age: 27 Gender: M Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Gear: None unusual. Abilities: Brian was given a modified infantry style training, one that does not take things like mechanical frames into consideration, as he joined the megacorp to as a pilot candidate of a mechanical frame controlled by thought. Aside from that, he practiced swordplay in his off-time in order to get some exercise. Personality: Brian is mostly a friendly person both on and off times, usually showing a gentleman-alike attitude to his opponents before and after a fight. During the fight, however, he wouldn't hesitate to attack the opponent, but only to make the mech unable to continue fighting and not to physically harm anyone. History: Brian was quite an average person when he was born, not standing out from anyone for some of the time, as he didn't have anything special to brag about. He tried to gain one by practicing swordplay, but that didn't become something special. However, his life changed when he found a recruitment for "a pilot candidate of an advanced mechanical frame", which oddly required no experience piloting the mechs. Although he was a bit wary of what would happen at first, his sheer interest in mechs inspired him to join anyway. He tried hard to keep up with the hard infantry training - something that wasn't expected out of a pilot recruitment. His rivals dropped out one by one as the training went on, while Brian was not in the list of drop-outters and remained until the training turned into actual training as a mech pilot. Brian was not a good pilot at beginning, but he strived hard to improve until he became a capable pilot, not capable of matching the aces but is better compared to the average. Surpassing all of the remaining rivals, he was among the first people to see the completed advanced prototype mech practically made for him. Extras: None [/hider] [hider=Snowstorm] Name: XMFF-21 "Snowstorm" Appearance: The Snowstorm stands at around 20.5 feet, and armors resembling the Judgement, but with more straights. The armor is painted with a white/ice blue dazzle livery. The other notable deviation from the Judgement is that the head has a thick "horn" on it, which is an autocannon mounted on the head to use it as a turret. Height: 6.2m Weight: 26 tons History and Development: One of the ideas that came out of a brainstorming session at Monthas for the next generation mechanical frame was the Direct Neural Interface (DNI) system, a system to control the mech by thought. After some more discussions, the DNI was given a go, alongside with other ideas for a next-gen "standard" mech of Monthas. After some works done, the proposal turned into a design for a prototype mech, which would become the basis of the next-gen mech if the prototype is successful enough. The prototype was based on the successful Enforcer while incorporating both next-gen and older technologies. The experimental DNI system makes the Snowstorm operate faster as there usually is no need to operate anything by hands/foot, since it reads the thought of the pilot, removing the extra time required to actually move anything. However, it needs the pilot to concentrate on controlling the machine since the system is still experimental. If the system detects that the pilot is too distracted to use the system, it will be disengaged so the pilot would fight with conventional controls instead, until the pilot decides they are ready to use the system again. Weapons and Equipment: Aside from the DNI system, the Snowstorm comes with a next-gen MMA assault rifle, lighter than an average assault rifle but is more fragile, and a supplementary head-mounted 30mm autocannon, with the latter mainly being used for anti-missile purposes and is also mounted on a vertical turret. Each magazine of the rifle comes with 30 rounds, and the Snowstorm carries four of them. The rifle also has a grenade launcher for damaging heavy armor, with the launcher coming with 5 spare rounds to be manually loaded. It also has a pop-up sword hidden in the left hand, to allow the mech to fight in close quarters. The mech also got a pair of vertically mounted missiles on its shoulder as well. The Snowstorm's armor is not heavy but is strong enough to withstand a shot or two from heavy cannons - around the same as the average mechs. It is also equipped the Electronic Hyper Propulsion System, to reduce hits. Lastly, the mech is capable of full human movement as well, in order to not have the pilot feel odd while piloting. [/hider] [/hider]