[center][h1]Stasya Volkov[/h1] Training room: [@wolverbells][@SheriffLlama][/center] Stasya's eyes widened slightly as she looked at the boy. [I][u]He can talk to computers? Like how you're talking to me in my mind?[/u][/i] Her mind erupted into a whirlwind of possibilities. Here, sitting right in front of her, was someone who could turn the whole facility against their captors. He could unlock any door, shut down any camera. If this “Abel” was on her side, escaping was suddenly not just a hope, but a possibility. If he wasn't, then it would be the greatest of cruelties to be inflicted upon her. Swallowing, Stasya shyly raised her hand in greeting. “Эм, привет. (Um, hello.)” [i][u]This is great! If we could get him on our side, he could keep them from watching us, we could go anywhere![/u][/i] Nervously biting her lip, she gestured towards the boy's bloody nose. “Ты в порядке? Как ты больно? (Are you, okay? How did you get hurt?)” If he was anything like her, then he probably had difficulty controlling his powers. And if they were being watched all the time… she swallowed hard. [i][u]Ouch.[/u][/i]