[h3][color=a2d39c][b][center]Ntaj Zoov Yaaj[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=a2d39c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Orc Camp [color=a2d39c][b]Actions:[/b][/color] Restraining a badger from eating Sana’s meat[/center] Ntaj soon finished cooking his rabbit, though he didn’t have nearly enough oil to really use it for anything. No, instead he simply ate the rabbit straight off the stick, finishing it in a few bites. It was tasty, but not very filling. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised, it may have been a big rabbit, but it was still just a rabbit. Shortly after finishing his snack Kyra and the others came out from the cave. The fact they were alive and not bleeding implies that the chief wasn’t going to kill them all, though Ntaj was curious to know what will happen to them now. He remembered that there was talk about undead around here, and Ntaj wondered if they would have to fight them. An exciting prospect to say the least. Soon Sana returned from a hunt, which Ntaj wasn’t even aware she left in the first place. He wasn’t sure how long she was gone, but she certainly found quite a bounty; she had a full branch with various small game attached to it, plus a bag of something which she presumed was more food from the forest. Now it made Ntaj wish he could go hunt and get some food too, as he didn’t wish to leech off the others in the group. Of course Honey had no shame in wanting food he didn’t work for, and the moment Sana arrived Honey left Ntaj to go get a bite of her food. Ntaj had to get up and catch him, but the little bugger was much quicker on his feet. Honey was just about to gnaw on a fowl when Ntaj scooped up Honey into his arms and tried to restrain him. The vicious mammal struggled against Ntaj, scratching his hands and arms fruitlessly to get out of the grapple. [color=a2d39c]”No Honey stop! Not your food! Stop!”[/color]