[h1]The Republic of Staratia [/h1] During the Denouncement crisis , some politicians of the Conservative Party saw the enthusiasm of many other at protecting peace and democracy , but could really Staratia protect their own values , it was sure that Staratia had a large army and a large navy , but how to maintain it , Staratia was a non-industrialized country that could hardly compete with others in the region , most of the military equipment was bought a couple of years ago thanks to public donations and fundraiser events that were held continuously in the past thanks to many genius politicians between them the president Alexander Suroi , who put the country back on it's feet after an economic depression. Now the current administration had similar problems regarding money , so when a petition from the president came to reduce the military expenses , the opposition party could do little but observe the red numbers in the papers and nod to many of the facts that the conservative party made regarding expenses. When the marshall of the military forces received the notice , he was infuriated by the decision of the congress to reduce the numbers of soldiers from 2 Million to 250k active and 250k reservist , 1/4 of the previous military. The Staratian Popular Alliance also pushed to put a new economic minister someone called Gustaf Arnfried Giehl , who had quite a lot of experience in economics but that still did not have the chance to put his skill into something bigger , while at that they also rallied their own voters for the future elections , that would come next year. [hider=Actions] [hider=Production] [Factory 1] - [Arms Factory] - [+20% Arms Production] - [$100,000,000] -- [Factory 2] - [Textile] - [+20% Arms Production] - [$100,000,000] - -- [Factory 3] - [Automobile] - [] - [Income] - [$120,000,000] -- [Factory 4] - [Industrial] - [N/A] - [Income] - [$100,000,000] -- [Shipyard 1] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STA Destroyer "Beck"] -- [Shipyard 2] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STA Destroyer "Simen"] -- [Shipyard 3] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STA Destroyer "Engelbert"] -- [Shipyard 4] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STA Destroyer "Petrus"] -- [Shipyard 5] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STA Destroyer "Dreher"] -- [Shipyard 6] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STS Submarine-Hasenkamp] -- [Shipyard 7] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STS Submarine-Hirsch] -- [Shipyard 8] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STS Submarine-Till] -- [Shipyard 9] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STS Submarine-Bruno] -- [Shipyard 10] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STS Submarine-Krebs] -- [Shipyard 11] - [Minor Shipyard] - [STS Submarine-Benedikt] -- [Shipyard 12] - Major Shipyard - [STA Armored Cruiser-Klaus] -- [Shipyard 13] - [Major Shipyard] - [STA Armored Cruiser- Brotz] -- [Shipyard 14] - [Drydock] - [STD Dreadnought - Unruh] [/hider] Budget: -Last Turn 120 Million had been put into military research -Maintenance: $469,340,000 Soldiers 200,000 $200,000,000 Reserves 250,000 $125,000,000 Factory 4 $100,000,000 DD 46 $11,040,000 SS 25 $4,500,000 CL 42 $12,600,000 CA 9 $4,320,000 BB 8 $5,600,000 DN 3 $6,000,000 Left: $420,000,000-$469,340,000 = -$49,340,000 Political Actions: -Apoint Cabinet Member -3 Support: Gustaf Arnfried Giehl to Minister of Economy -Political Campaign -3 Support: -Debt -1 Support: $50 Million in debt Remaining Support : 24 Support [/hider] Staratian Parties: -Main: "Staratian Popular Alliance" , -Opposition: "National Democratic Party" and "Staratian Socialist Democratic Part"