Character A was a human she and her friends were invited to go to a party at a club which is run by vampires, while at the party Character B a vampire has taken an interest in Character A. Both Character A and Character B leave the party early, they spend the night together, as things got heated Character B accidentally turns Character A into a vampire as well. The next day Character A wakes up back in her own apartment, but she feels so hungry and eats a lot however the hunger is never sated. Character A hears a knocking on the door and opens the door only to find a bottle with a strange red liquid in it, she picks it up and closes the door. Character A opens it and sniffs it, and then quickly starts drinking it down without thinking to much about it. Then Character B knocks on the door once Character A had drank most of it. And tells the truth what had actually happens, but Character B had turned a human without consent from the vampire council and knows that they will both be hunted down and killed and go into hiding. Character B shows the ropes of how it is to be a vampire they eventually start to develop feelings for one another.