[h1]Fan- Why didn't I looked at her closely?[/h1] She frowns in the midst of the voyeur, an upperclassman who seemed into guys, and Kotori Namashiya. Speaking of her name, she remembered. "Really? This is Kotori in person? Why didn't I notice it before?!" Fan regretted her actions which pose a bad impression for the hero she admires. Normally she likes liking and can't bring herself to like something or someone but just this once, it is the one and only Kotori Namashiya, the Level 10 Hero of Japan. "Huh?! He started it!" Fan exclaimed but held her loud voice back which makes her sound squeaky. "I'll take a seat too and forgive me for my bad behavior o great level 10." Saying the level but behind it, she want to say Kotori's name. "Hey... you really are her right? Kotori Namashiya?" She blushed intensively thinking 'yikes I said my hero's name'. Japan is a huge place and most people have the same surnames and even their first names but to think of all people, the one and only Kotori Namashiya. This is really getting awkward fast. Fan started losing her thoughts and stuttering in the presence of the great level 10. She sighed and started talking to Kotori. "Sorry again... hehe.." But can't look at her eye to eye. "Prof. I too have a lot of questions so please bare with me." Subconsciously, she didn't know that she was hugging the Songbird.