[quote=@Juro] I present to you, the basics of our story. [color=ed1c24][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/color][Hider]Hello there, friend. Among your kind, you have been blessed with the opportunity to acquire anything your heart desires. Strength and power to rule over others, a fortune that would last a lifetime, or even fame that would span a hundred kingdoms; all of these are yours for the taking. You simply have to accomplish a single task, reach the top of the tower. It is a massive structure of many levels called floors, with each being the size of a continent. It is said that at the top of the tower, everything exists - a place where any of your dreams or wishes can be granted. Each floor is said to have a guardian, a god-like creature that governs the usage of mana on its floor. Mana is the source of all energy and the elements within the tower. It constitutes everything from the air people breathe to the source of life itself. It can be manipulated by people with the aptitude to do so and may be used in a myriad of ways. Those who are chosen to climb the tower are called Regulars. They take tests on each floor in order to reach the top. The top is designated as the highest floor ever reached by anyone - currently the 134th floor. When regulars reach the top, they become Rankers - and are assigned a ranking based on ability and influence in the tower. Tests are conducted by directors, who are Rankers that derive their authority from the guardian of the floor, and act as proxies to judge Regulars to be worthy of ascending. Several key tests exist in the lower floors, and are generally lengthy to weed lots of Regulars early on. At higher floors, Regulars generally take tests as teams given the difficulty and complexity of the tasks given to them. Lastly, the tower currently has a king and is one of the most powerful entities in the tower. The king and his allies were the first to reach the current top of the tower, and it is his administration that conducts tests and generally manages the workings of the tower. Of course, his authority still comes from the guardians themselves. The king himself is inactive, but his many subordinates enforce his rule and policies. So, any questions?[/Hider] [/quote] Straight forward and to the point. I like it. So im just gonna assume we are using anime face claims right? or real life fc? Also, our abilities, will we inherently have these at the start of the story, or will some kind of test be done to discover what our special ability is?