[centre][b][h1][color=8dc73f]Connor[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b0/84/e1/b084e1bc95cedce7d7fd06dbc8058ecc.jpg[/img][/centre] [color=8dc73f][i]skill means nothing when You can't back it up, with intelligence[/i][/color] Connor thought to himself at Deons words, having approached the wall, Connor was standing a moment to study it. This would be Connor's first time at trying to win. And he was going to give it his all, although he'd settle for sabotaging Deon. Arrogance needed to be taken down. He couldn't say he wouldn't enjoy it. Perhaps his fatal flaw was simply feeling inferior. Connor was generally happy to be behind the scenes, yet at times he felt like he was overlooked, unseen. Under appreciated. Perhaps it was pride that we making him do this. He didn't really know. He approached the course, and started to run, avoiding the metal bar, he used his reach, and strength to get as high upon the ladder as possible, making his way up it, and through the course. He didn't stop to look and see how the other contests were going. He was merely seeking to do his best. And if he's best got him to the top, so be it. He took a moment to ensure his hands weren't sweaty and therefore slippery, before tackling the climbing wall. There really was no way to predict when the hand holds would be moved, but if you listened, if you noticed the slight movement before it happened, you could avoid falling. Connor used his long reach to scale the wall quickly, often moving side ways, and once or twice down as hand and foot holds were yanked away. He kept calm, processing everything around him as he moved. As he climbed, he thought about why he was doing this. Why should he try and prove himself, and what was he trying to prove, anyway? He didn't particularly want to win. What did winning get you? The course was, while designed for skill, about luck. Especially with the climbing wall. His thoughts were broken as a hand held slipped through his fingers, and for a moment Connor hung by one hand. He swung his body up, getting foot holds, and managed to get his other hand onto another hold, and he rested for a second, catching his breath back. He began to climb again, and his thoughts traveled back to where they had been. Sometimes The ADHD that plagued Connor, and indeed most of the other campers, was a blessing. It enabled him to think, and do what he was doing, managing to keep focused even as his mind wandered. He knew that the ADHD was designed to keep them alive in battle-to enable them to focus on many things at once, and to avoid getting skewered like a stuck pig. So. Why was he doing this, what did he have to prove? Perhaps he was simply trying to...be seen. Yet why did he want to be seen? He managed to remove his left foot in time before the foothold was yanked away, and hurriedly scrambled to the side, and then back up again. Why did he want to be seen? Could he actually answer that? He didn't know. He eyes, ever wandering, landed on Ky' vie. Maybe he could answer that. Turning his eyes back to the wall, he pondered that a moment, as he continued to climb. Distracted for that single moment, his right hand held, and left foothold disappeared, and for one terrifying moment it seemed that he would fall. And then, blessedly, time seemed to slow, as his wandering, active attention caught sight of nearby holds, and gathering himself, he leaped to them, for a wild moment it seemed that he would fall, but then his hands curved over the holds, and he's feet landed on two, causing him to have an almost star fish like shape. Not for the first time, he was thoroughly glad for his height, long legs and reach. He probably looked foolish, but what did that matter? He was still in the run. A laugh escaped him, and he rested his head against the wall. His shaggy-and maybe it was getting a bit long-brown hair fell into his eyes, and he had to shake his head to free his vision, as he began his climb again. A smile stretched across his face. Perhaps this was fun. And really, wasn't that all that mattered? To succeed would be grand, but to just simply have fun? Did they have to be in competition with each other? Yes, they were to train, but couldn't they simply...have fun, while they did it? He let his thoughts flow now, as he continued his ascent.